Researchers and Thinkers Molding the Future

Think playing a Scientist isn't exciting enough? After all, who wants to be some geek in a lab coat while there's wared up punks out there to have fun with shooting at everyone in sight. Well guess what....if you want a character who can push the edge of understanding and technology, you don't want some walking can opener hoisting a laser cannon. Why not be the guy who develops the first portable MASER cannon? Big badda boom. And if you think corps are cutthroat, you haven't seen two geneticists battling over who stole who's test results. Not to mention the money you can make IF you manage to sell your discovery/invention. Scientists take the Fixer role one step further, actually creating new tech.(Note: all inventions must pass the okay of a moderator before they are allowed to be used/sold, and will be judged on their reasonable inclusion in the limitations of the CP2020 system, as well as whether the invention is in keeping with the scientists field of expertise.)

Special Ability: Discovery

Discovery is the ability to realize the potential of an idea. Anybody can have an idea, but the Scientist knows how to get it out of his head and into his hands.

Career Skills: Awareness/Notice, Research and Development, Basic Tech, Education (minimum 5, Science), Library Search, Logic, Math, Intuition, Science (pick one area of expertise in a science field)

Research and Development is the nuts and bolts of getting to any discovery/invention.This includes the practical application of the scientific method, as well as knowledge of how to obtain funding and present your discoveries.

Library Search is the ability to use databases.

Logic, as opposed to intelligence, is the ability to use pure objectivity in one's thinking.

Intuition is the creative factor of one's thinking that allows one to explore new ideas and hypothesize based on previous experience and quite often on a sheer hunch.

Playing the Scientist in FFRP:

Scientists in 2020, just as today, are creative and imaginative people, but they are often distracted from the seemingly mundane tasks of daily life by the excitement of new discoveries and ideas. They are a curious dichotomy of scientific passion and objective detachment that makes them an enigma to general society. Quite often they consider themselves above the common laws that govern society, relating better to ideas and tech than they do to people.


Lab Tech

Lab Assistant

Assistant Researcher


Lab Director

Department Head







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