Fan Fiction
Water Runs Dry-  When Mandy Sanchez is made to go to a Backstreet Boys concert by her best friend, Christina Barns. Will anything fun come out of it? Mandy doesn't think anything besides boredom will leave with her, but she may just be wrong... What happens when you fall in love with someone but you are too scared to tell them, especially when they don't love you.. Sometimes water runs dry and the only way to survive is by love.....
Time Will Tell- Mackenzie Martin seems to be having luck on her side. She just ran into the cutest guy possible, Nick Carter. She doesn't think anything will ever be bad but boy is she wrong. Just when she thinks everything is good, she realizes it's not, especially when she figures out she knew Nick back in school. Will things work out or was it never meant to be?? Only time will tell.