Error #13

Behavioral error:

Inaccurately describing events before, during and after a car accident.


12/17/03, in my home

Why this is an error:

I could not recall certain specific details and possibly added something that didn't happen as I said it did.


My episodic memory failed me. I was unable to recall, for example, exactly where my car was positioned nad where the other car was before we collided. My schema of what should have happened filled in the details of the accident that I was unable to remember, like whether or not my headlights were on. It was cloudy when the accident happened, so I assumed I had my headlights on. i also said there were cars passig behind me, to explain why I could not back out of the way of the approaching car. I cannot remember these details because i had focused my attention on the car that was about to hit me, not on other things trivial compared to that. Remembering everything about the accident is simply not possible, given the limits of short-term memory.

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