Error #14

Behavioral error:

Taking Rt. 30 and Cedar Rd. home instead of Schoolhouse and Francis Rd.


1/1/04, interesection fo Rt. 30 and Schoolhouse Rd.

Why this is an error:

Taking the other route would have gotten me home faster.


When Francis Rd. wa closed for several months, I became operantly conditioned to use Rt. 30 and Cedar Rd. to get home. This behavior was negatively reinforced when I did not have to waste time taking a longer detour around Francis Rd. When I did forget and tried to use Francis Rd., my behavior was punished because I took longer to reach my destination. ONce Francis Rd. was reopened, I was still conditioned not to use that route.

My semantic memory of the fact that Francis Rd. was open again failed me, because that information had not been reinforced enough to move into LTM and be easily recalled.

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