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Decades 1950’s
Look up, know and cover the following terms:

Korean War
Television- I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners, Ed Sullivan, Nat King Cole Show
What is live television?
The Cold War
The Bomb
The Baby Boom
Rock and Roll
Sam Cooke
Bobby Darin >>>>>extra points he was born in what neighborhood?
Chuck Berry
Elvis Presley
Little Richard
West Side Story- the Broadway play
Doo Wop Music- largely based in what city?
Be Bop Jazz- Charlie Parker, Miles Davis
Movies- Marty, On the Waterfront, Carmen Jones, The Defiant Ones, From Here to Eternity
Actors Marlon Brando, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Dandridge, Sidney Poitier
Civil Rights
Brown vs Board of Education
Little Rock, AK
Rosa Parks
The Beat writers, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac
Polio Outbreak
Space Race Begins
3-D Movies
Cinema Scope
Abstract Expressionism

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© Gina Coletti 2002