Grading Rubric

Use the following table to see if you have covered all areas for your project.
You will be graded on the following ten areas, mainly for your content.

Your highest possible score for each category is a 4 and your lowest is a 1.
Therefore the highest score overall is a 40 and the lowest is a 10.
4. A clear attention grabber
3. Attention grabber not fully developed
2. Weak attention grabber
1. No attention grabber
4. Creates a mood
3. Mood is weak
2. Mood is unclear
1. No mood
4. Ideas are focused and interesting
3. Ideas are not fully developed
2. Ideas are unclear and incomplete
1. Idea is unclear
4. Has a voice
3. Voice is weak
2. Voice is unclear
1. No voice
4. Well developed details that support the main idea
3. Details are not fully developed
2. Few details that don't completely support the main idea
1. No details
4. Audience is engaged throughout the piece
3. Audience begins to get engaged, but it is not sustained
2. Weak audience
1. No audience engagement
4. Descriptions create or develope an image
3. Descriptions are not fully developed
2. Descriptions are unclear
1. Descriptions do not create an image
4. Revision is evident (Neat and presentable)
3. Some revision (Still needs some work)
2. Very few revisions (Needs a great deal of work)
1. No revisions (Illegible and non-presentable)
4. Purpose for writing is claer
3. Purpose for writing is not fully developed
2. Purpose for writing is unclear
1. No purpose
Grammar & Spelling:
4. Grammar and spelling near perfection
3. Some grammer and spelling errors
2. Many grammar and spelling errors
1. Grammar and spelling is incorrect