So, waitress life at St. Vincent de Paul Camp was interesting. How did I get there you wonder? Well, I was at Reve's dad's house at a sleepover with Reve and Natalie, and when we woke up on Sunday morning(actually it was around 1pm), Reve had to call a lady named Donna for a job thingy... somehow before 2pm, Natalie Reve and I were all going to be waitresses at a camp in Angola.
We had about 3 hours to get ready and we drove out. The 1st people we met were Mr. Ray and Mrs. Donna(the directer and his wife). We were shown our room, and then they showed us the kitchen and the other cabins. We met Catherine and Emily the only 2 waitresses at the time. Then we went into the kitchen and met Janelle, Mrs Debbie, Matt, Kevin, Keith, and Steve. We were a little scared at first... But we eventually warmed up to them.
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Reve's Camp Pictures
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