On Top of Old Smokey !!
We took a Christmas vacation to Gaitlinburg, TN, courtesy of a time-share company. Dennis, Mandy, Lucy (my mother-in-law) had a wonderful time. We decided to go this special time of year because we wanted to see SNOW !!  Now, if you are from Alabama, you know it doesn't really snow here. We get ice snow. Not enough to make a decent snowman.  Anyway, we were in luck. We arrived on Friday and that night snow was predicted. We awoke the next morning and we saw no snow. :o(   However, it had snowed on top of old Smokey. We just had to go see !!
Jeni and Dennis on top of Old Smokey !!
Icy trees hanging over the road. Absolutely beautiful !!
Beautiful picture of the snow covered mountains, snow clouds and the snowy Christmas trees. Just breathtaking !!