Csaba in the 1980's

1983 Pan American Games, Caracas, Venezuela, Phillip Reilly and Csaba (smoking of course!). Photo courtesy of Phil Reilly

1984 Olympics, Los Angeles, Peter Westbrook training  w/Csaba before the games - both photos courtesy of Phillip Reilly

     Victory! 1984 Olympic bronze for Peter Westbrook, coach Csaba Elthes, and the USA
Photo courtesy of Peter Westbrook

More 1980 photos below

1980, Csaba Elthes takes the U.S. Team to China in substitution of participation in the Moscow Olympics (U.S. boycotted the 1980 Moscow Games). The trip to China was organized by the U.S. State department for the U.S Olympic Fencing team to participate in Regional tournaments in China in lieu of the Olympics. The team spent 3 weeks traveling through 4 different provinces in China competing against China's top teams. Team members included Phillip Reilly and Peter Westbrook. (Info. from Phil Reilly, more details of the trip can be found in Peter Westbrook's book).

The Maestro suffers a stroke, paralyzing his right hand. He learns to teach using his left hand. He recovers partial use of his right hand and returns to right-handed teaching occasionally switching to the left.

1981, Michael Lofton now known as Mikha'il Sankofa, under Maestro Csaba's guidance becomes the men's national Junior saber champion while still in high school. Mr. Lofton in 2003 is an affiliated coach at the Long Island Fencing Center

1982, Michael Lofton still under Csaba's guidance repeats his win and becomes the 1982 champion.

1983, Peter Westbrook under Csaba's guidance wins the Gold individual medal and silver team medal at the Pan American Games. Westbrook wins National Champion title back, and is named USFA Athlete of the Year. Mike Lofton, now known as M

1984, a historic happening: Peter Westbrook wins the Olympic Bronze medal for Men's Saber in Los Angeles with Coach Elthes watching. Westbrook retains title of National champion and is again named USFA Athlete of the Year. The bout is filmed, on the film you can see Peter's incredible match, then the US Team rush to congratulate Westbrook, during the pandemonium a touching scene develops, here is the commentary from www.fencingfootage.com  "Westbrook is rushed by his teammates, and hoisted into the air. All the famous faces show up on screen -- Mik'hail Sankofa (née Michael Lofton), Steve Mormando, and a few others. Touchingly, a youngish Maestro Csaba Elthes, looking as proud as his stern face can manage, speaks a few words with Westbrook. The maestro's presence creates a temporary quiet haven in the pandemonium, revealing the level of respect surrounding him. But Elthes knows what the moment needs -- he removes himself from his student's greatest moment so the celebration can continue". This film (including the gold medal match) is available at: http://www.fencingfootage.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=76&osCsid=a6d69fbd076eaa6f90f7d92507ab427a

1987, Csaba is still going strong. At the Pan American Games held in Indianapolis USA, Peter Westbrook wins the silver medal in individual and team events.

1988, Michael Lofton is inducted into the New York University sports hall of fame for his first time ever 4 time NCAA champion individual title in any sport while a proud coach, Csaba Elthes looks on.

1989, Saber is finally electrified to the delight of Maestro Elthes. Elthes had always taught his students to be aware of human bias and was happy to see a great portion of that eliminated by the advance in technology. 37 yr. old Westbrook makes the final's at the World Championships, a historic event as it is the first time they use the electric scoring system. Westbrook knock's out defending World Champion and 2 x Olympic Gold medalist Jean-Francois Lamour. Westbrook finished #8.


               The great one on the Great Wall in 1980                          On the Great Wall, China with cigarette in mouth

Csaba w/ever present smoke, Smith and Westbrook, 1980

1980 China photos courtesy of Phillip Reilly


If you were a student or knew Csaba Elthes at this time and you are not listed here, please email your information to: fencing_masters@yahoo.com and we will contact you to include your information.



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