January 2002 Calendar of Events
Friday, January 10th- GS Meeting after School 3-5 pm. @Apple Hill Church Of Christ.
Saturday, January 11th-Cookie Rally @ the Fairgrounds 9 am till 12 noon. Cookie sales start today!
Friday, January 24th-QGS meeting after School 3-5 p.m. @ Apple Hill Church Of Christ.
Service Projects we have been doing.
Swaps are in the Mail.
Christmas Party Fun
This past fall we were contacted by a troop in Indiana who for Thinking Day 2003 are trying to swap a swap with each state in the USA.  We made state's out of red craft foam and glued a crystal "diamond" around where Litte Rock our state capitol would be.  We wrote "Arkansas" in black sharpie on the front and glued a clasp to the back.  Our swaps went out on January 10th to our new friends in Indiana.
Friday, December 21st Troop 111 held it's anual Christmas party.  The girls met at Ms. Teresa's House.  In keeping with the tradition of Christmas's past instead of exchanging presents with each other we bring something to donate to a organization in need of our help.  This year we chose the "Warm Neighbor's Coat Campaign". Each girl was to bring a gently used coat to donate.  The coats were taken to a local participating cleaners to be cleaned and redistibuted to someone in need. After we collected our coats we set off for the Malco Cinema to see "The Santa Clause 2".  After the movie we suprized Nana at her work and sang some Christmas Carols and then headed back to Ms. Teresa's to bake cookies.  We all had a great time!
Summer Plans 2003
Summer 2003 is shaping up to be a busy one for our troop.  Since our trip to Branson last May, Our girls have been bitten by the travel bug!  Their plans for this summer, St. Louis (Six Flags, Grant's Farm, Science Center, Zoo, Union Station and a Cardnial Game), Little Rock (Wild River Country, Old State House Museum, Chuckie Cheese), Memphis (Libertyland, Pink Palace, I-max Theater, Shopping). They plan to use their profit from cookie sales this year to fund their trips.
Girls Help at the Cookie Rally
The 2003 Cookie Rally "Dream Big" was our troop's first opportunity to help as older girls.  Our job was to help the younger girls make cookie posters for their troops booth sales, and to learn to draw a bear using numbers.  We also helped them to create thank you cards for their customers who order cookies from them.  In keeping with the theme "Dream Big" everyone ( including Ms. Teresa) wore their P.j's and slippers. It was alot of fun.  After the event, our girls helped to clean up in all the area's and received a special "thank you" from our Executive Director of our Council.  This was the first of many opportunities that our older girls will have to influence the younger girl scouts in our area.  A job well done girls!