Friday, April 9, 2004
Good Friday
End of 31st Week

Chris, after looking over a rough draft of my birth plan on the fridge:
"Um, you don't want an IV?"
Me: "No. I hated having one a few years ago at PriMed when I got dehydrated so bad. It hurt."
Chris: "They can give you medication through the IV, you know."
Me: "Oh. You're right. Nevermind that IV thing." (Scratched it out.)
On cutting the cord:
Me: "So have you thought about cutting the cord?"
Chris: "Huh?"
Me: "When the baby's born.  You talked to your guy friends about it? You think you can handle it?"
Chris: "Do you think I can handle it?"
Me: "I don't know. That's why I told you to think about it. I have no idea how you'll do.  It's all up to you. I'm leaving it up to you. I won't feel bad if you don't. You don't like blood and stuff."
Chris: "I don't know. I'll think  about it some more. Hank (his friend) said he told the doctor that that was HIS (the doc's) job."
I have encountered the following foes the past two weeks: excruciating back pain (more on that in a sec), heartburn (in the form of that yucky reflux thing), nausea (hello again!), and a packed urination schedule...
The back pain has been so bad that last week I went to get a massage at a great massage place.  Chris told me not to let them give me a "happy ending."  I told him it wasn't that kind of massage parlor. :)  I lay on my sides with a pregnancy pillow (the long kind you see at W@lmart) while Mr. Hands worked his magic. And it worked for a few hours, but then the pain came back and I was once again reunited with my good friend The Heating Pad on the couch.  It's not lower back pain. It's towards the right side of my back in the middle.  Wearing the super duper pregnancy bra (which I call my Russian Heavy Duty Bra) helps some, but not completely.  The backpain has definitely been the worst ailment I've had so far in the pregnancy.
I've noticed that the baby is "rolling" a bit more this past week. There are still "punches" and "kicks" but more "hey look, my stomach is rolling like the ocean" moments too.  The Braxton Hicks thing sneaks up on you---I always thought it would be very pronounced and "for sure", but it's very sneaky. 
I'm still liking oranges. I'm still loving chocolate ice cream.
I saw the doctor again last Tuesday.  I guess I'll keep the doc I've had the entire pregnancy. I don't have long to go anyway, and don't want the stress (if there is any) of changing doctors at 31 weeks.  I mean, really. Plus, there's this side of me that doesn't want to hurt the man's feelings. He seemed much more relaxed at this last meeting. Perhaps because Chris wasn't there with me?  Maybe husbands intimidate him?  Anyway...
I've been keeping occupied with scrapbooking and wayyy too much tv lately.  My tv watching is only increasing lately because of my back pain and the fact that I'm bringing less papers home to grade these days (trying to destress my life).  TV shows I've actively involved in:
(and this means I go to Television Without Pity to read what others say about them in the forums. Oh yes. I'm a sick puppy.) 
Survivor All Stars, The Apprentice, Real World: San Diego, Law and Order (all of them, people), American Idol, Sopranos, and Six Feet Under.
'm looking forward to The Restaurant coming back on in two weeks.
Our computer's down, by the way...we won't be back on line until sometime next don't feel weird if I don't email back right away (if you email me).  I'm typing this up on my mom's internet connection.
What's going on at
week 31.

later gators.

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