Monday, December 29, 2003
16th Week/17th Week Combo
The Four Month Mark...

23 weeks til he/she is here....

Pimples, Moles, and Skin Tags, OH MY!
If you don't know what a skin tag is, you will after you get pregnant. It's like a long pimple that is trying to escape your body.  Like a tiny little weiner.  Yep, it's that purty.
My moles are darker and some are a little bigger due to the blood supply being increased to take care of the baby (it enlarges everything else as well).  For Christmas, I got two on my chin and another under my nose, making me look like Kristy McNichol.

"How Far Along I am" Debate
There has been some debate among certain people (clearing throat: Mom) about how far along I am.  She couldn't believe I was sixteen weeks last week.  "No, Jen, I don't think you are."  Okay...well the doctor says so, the computer says so, the books say so...I figured out she doesn't consider me as far along as I am because back in the early SEVENTIES, they didn't count weeks the same way they do now.  Now, they start counting from the first day of your last period. 
"But Jen, you aren't pregnant then!"
"I know Mom. It's just how they do it."
"Well, you aren't totally SIXTEEN weeks pregnant then."
I am, guys, just trust me on this one.

Pressure......down there
My stomach has been feeling like it's been through a lot this past week.  I can feel it getting bigger and stretching, making room. This is called "round ligament pains", I've read, and it's normal...
Instead of a basketball, it's looking more like a football shape right now, like he/she is all stretched out from side to side.  I am also peeing like MAD, like mad I tell you!

Feeling it move?
Still can't be sure what this feeling is that I'm feeling.  Feels like stretching sometimes, feels like a stomach ailment others.  It isn't the bubble rising feeling others describe it as. I ain't saying, "Quick! It's the Quickening!" til I'm positive. I tried playing the Auburn Fight Song really loud in the car today (courtesy of my new cd player provided by Santa Chris) but nothing.  Come on, kid!!

BebeSounds Monitor
Mimi (Chris's momma) gave us the BebeSounds monitor to listen to the heartbeat of the baby with.  It is sold at Target, if you are interested.  You can use it around your 20th week.  Right now, all I can hear are the planets aligning, Osama Bin Laden chattering,  and my stomach digesting food.
Burp Away!
I'm burpin. Deal.  It ain't cuz I'm rude. It's the baby. It's kind of freeing.  I feel like a man. BELLLLLLLLLLCH. Yeah, that felt good.
I be forgetting my purse, why I went somewhere, etc.  It's not a joke. This stuff is fo' real. Once again, caused by hormones.

last next
"Wahhh! I need to stretch out I go!" 3-D image of 17 week old fetus.
Baby should weigh as much as the placenta now--almost 7 ounces.  He/she may respond to loud noises like a truck passing by or a door slamming.
If you had x ray vision and could see under my very white skin...