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Aldobrando Bertolla lived in the Val di Non a valley located in a part of northern Italy known as Tyrol. This page traces the genealogy of some of the descendants of Aldobrando including the Eccher family of Rumo Marcena.
In 1907 Aldobrando's great grandson, Albino Sisino Eccher, immigrated to the United States first to Crested Butte, Colorado and then to Williamson, Illinois where he remained for the rest of his life.
Albino had 2 brothers and 2 sisters that also immigrated to the US. One brother Giovanni Eccher remained in Crested Butte. The others all settled near the coal mining towns of Staunton and Williamson, IL. This included his brother, Serafino Eccher and sisters Catterina Eccher (Odorizzi) and Teresa Todescini Eccher (Torry ne Torresani).

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