So who is this guy?

Hey, my name is Matt. Well, first the basics: I was born 01/20/81, you do the math to figure out my age. I live in Louisville, Kentucky. I used to be involved in a lot of clubs and activites at school. When I was in high school I was a member of BETA, SAE, National Honors Society, Drama, FCA, the academic team, my church youth group and a few others i can't remember. I like to hang out with friends, play D&D, read science fiction, play video games, read comic books, meet new ppl, chat online with my net-friends, watch movies, and just have a good time in general. Hey if any of you have AIM my SN is GL Kyle R (it's a green lantern reference) and my MSN messenger is listed under = )

well, that's about it. e-mail me and tell me what you think about my site.

Pics of Me

Some pictures that I took just to TEASE someone.

Email Me:

See Spot. See Spot Dance. Dance Spot, dance.