A N N O U N C E M E N T

This web site was created to publicize a complaint letter signed by 20 NCBTMB volunteers and assure action on that complaint.  The complaint concerned the actions of the Chair in 2006, Elizabeth McIntyre, (who is now immediate past Chair) that resulted in the dismissal of two Board members, Neal Delaporta and Monica Reno, in November and raised several questions concerning management and governance issues.  The letter can be read by
clicking on this link here.

As was requested in the letter, an independent governance panel was engaged to investigate and report their findings to the NCBTMB Board.  The panel consisted of management, governance, and legal experts who had no ties to NCBTMB.  The results of their findings were announced in a letter to NCBTMB volunteers on May 9, 2007.  The panel’s findings have resulted in the following actions:

***The Board has rescinded the action of the former Chair (2006), Elizabeth McIntyre, to expel the two Board members in question and reinstated them to the Board. 
***The two directors “appointed”  in 12/06 to fill the openings created by the expulsions were dismissed, essentially annulling that action.  (Please note that before the report of the panel was made, Board members Kat Burnett and Cosper Scafidi – one of the “appointed” directors – resigned.  After the report was acted upon by the Board, the other “appointed” director Sue Kozicek filled the vacancy created by Burnett’s resignation.)
***The panel recommended that any declaration of a vacancy and subsequent selection of a successor should be a Board responsibility and function, never assigned to a smaller group or one individual (as was done in 12/06).  NCBTMB will clearly articulate and adhere to this recommendation.
***The Board will elevate its agenda and focus on discussions aimed at enhancing strategy, finance and policy issues in order to heighten levels of performance and professionalism.
***NCBTMB will re-examine the scope, composition, roles and responsibilities of the Executive Committee based on input from the Board, bylaws committee and an external panel of bylaws experts. 
***Additional recommendations were acted upon concerning better notification of recertification, better access and dissemination of NCB’s Bylaws and policies and procedures, and conduct better assessment of the Board’s performance.

This site applauds the actions of the current Board and the restoration of the two “dismissed” directors, Neal Delaporta and Monica Reno.  Justice has been served!  We are greatly satisfied with what we have learned about the investigative panel’s report and its findings.  We also acknowledge the willingness of the Board to act upon our complaint in a serious manner and empower a panel of highly qualified persons to be truly independent in their very important work.  Our faith in NCBTMB has been restored and strengthened and we look forward to continuing as dedicated volunteers and supporting the ideals of NCBTMB that have been upheld by these actions.