Tomado de REFLEXIONS ON THE PATH (1986) by Herbert B. Puriyear, Ph.D. Bantam Books Inc.
Based upon the readins of the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce Pags: 192-210

    When readings speak of these times as times of testing, they do not necessarily give us clear-cut pictures of what the impact will be on all of us. According to this material, we have already been in this period of testing for 21 years (1958 to 1998). What has been going on in our lives in terms of testing? In order to discover what our test is, we need to look more deeply at the underlying nature of the test.
    A series called the World Affairs Readings informs us more fully regarding these times (available in Circulating Files of A.R.E. members only and published in Time of Crisis). One of the readings is especially noteworthy. Let us examine it in full:

    In the beginning when chaos existed in the creating of the earth, the Spirit of God moved over the face of same and out of chaos came the world - with its beauty in natural form, or in nature.
  With mans' advent into the world, then personalities, individualities, began to find expressions in subduing the earth, and man-with his natural bent-not only attempted to subdue the earth, but to subdue one another; and the result was the differences of opinions, the varios sects, sets, classes and races.
As the earth was peopled, and the abilities of expansion were able to bring the various groups, or associations of groups or nations, they could - and did- withdraw into themselves, and build for themselves in the various portions of the world that known as the periods of advancement of some particular group of peoples.
  As the world has advanced, all the various phases of man's developments have entered to make a different phase, either in the political, economic, or religious aspect of man's experience. In the various portions, then, of the world there has been builded those necessary developments for that particular group or portions of those peoples, or those developments of those peoples in their particular line.
        With the advent of the closeness of the worlds coming into bein, so that ...   CONTINUE