Glanbrook District Animal Control
Binbrook, Ontario

Adopt a Pet, Save a life.

There are Currently No Dogs Available for Adoption!!

You may wish to check with us as things change daily.

Donate a Bed We use Patented Kuranda Dog Beds because they are durable, chew proof and easy to clean. If you would like to donate a bed to us, click here.

We have chosen Kuranda dog beds for our shelter facilities because they are so good for our dogs. They keep our shelter dogs off of the cement floor.  We still don't have enough for all of our kennels. If you would like to donate a bed so another dog can sleep in proper comfort, please click in the above box!

The Cats and Kittens Available for Adoption:

Please check with us to see what is available at our shelter.  

There are too many kittens and cats at the Animal Control to picture them all.
There are just too many great animals here and not enough good homes.

All Animals at the Glanbrook District Animal Control have been picked up or turned in as strays. If you can give a pet a safe, loving home please contact us!

Shelter Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 am-6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am -1:00 pm
Sunday - CLOSED
After hours emergency calls only.

Feel free to stop by or write:
Glanbrook Animal Control
107 Binbrook Rd., RR#1 Binbrook,
Ontario L0R 1C0
Phone: 905-692-0114
Any questions, you can contact Michele at