Take a Ride on Jamie and Al's

6 years of getting from
(and back again)

Hi Everyone

The Glastonbury 2009 (despite the logo - damn my lack of Photoshop skills) RAINBOW BUS is running from Glasgow again. All are welcome as long as you've got a festival ticket.

For information email us on:

Please get in touch ASAP to get bus tickets. As ever, it's 'first come first served'. In previous years we have tended to put on a second bus - THERE WILL BE NO SECOND BUS THIS YEAR, SO PLEASE DO NOT RELY ON IT!

The plan is to travel down overnight, arriving in time for the festival gates opening on Wednesday morning. For the last few years we've managed to keep the price at £50-60 but it's going to be £65 this year. As ever, the price is as low as possible - a festival ticket's expensive enough without paying through the nose for travel too.

The email will be checked (more or less) daily but your best bet is using the phone number, after 6pm.


Coach departing Glasgow University at 11.50pm on Tuesday 23rd June.

Returning from Glastonbury on Monday 29th June, arriving back at Glasgow University in the evening.

Price £65.

Contact 07929 673 707.

Check out the Official Glastonbury Website. You can also keep an eye on my favourite website www.efestivals.co.uk, which keeps the spirit of Glastonbury alive all year. There's also Outdoor Music Festival, a site which you might like as well.