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Since May 26, 1997!

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    Background Music for your surfing pleasure!
  • Come Together
  • Every Breath You Take
  • Isn't it Ironic
  • I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
  • Message In A Bottle
  • Computer Nerds Are Cool!

    Definitions from Microsoft Bookshelf

    com·put·er (kem-pyoo ter) noun 1. A device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information. 2.One who computes.

    nerd also nurd (nûrd) noun 1. A person regarded as stupid, inept, or unattractive. 2. A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.

    Click here to see a computer nerd.

      You could be a Computer Nerd if any of the following describe you:
    1. Your eye glasses have tape holding them together.
    2. Your computer has the capability of accessing the Internet.
    3. You sit in front of a computer at least once a day.
    4. Your hard drive needs to be cleaned up.
    5. You love computers.
    6. Your computer was considered obsolete not long after you purchased it.
    7. You print out your own business cards and your title is "Web Page Designer".
    8. You built your own computer from scratch.
    9. You subscribe to at least one PC publication.
    10. You’ve fallen asleep while you were on the Internet, and your finger clicked on a link.
    11. You’ve gone to school to learn about computers.
    12. You’ve got a counter on your web page and most of the hits are your own.
    13. There's a Timex Data Link watch on your wrist and it's beeping now.
    14. You are an online gamer.
    15. You can relate to these words: exciting, dynamic, media rich, fully integrated, interactive cyberexperience.
    16. You've visited this page.
    17. You can program Visual Basic or Visual C.
    18. You used Microsoft Front Page to do your web page.

    Thank you for visiting my page!

    This web page was designed by: Gregory Michael Lawlor
    Updated March 5, 2002

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