1. type in address line: ftp://cmftp@covermagazine.biz
2. click connect

3. type in username (cmftp) and password
4. click ok

** after connected, can create a new folder to upload to (step 5) or upload directly in main directory (step 7) **

5. right click on main folder: www
6. select: new --> folder

7. right click in the right hand window (around where it says "Parent Folder")
8. select: upload --> direct --> select files
9. find your file and click ok

** repeat steps 7-9 to upload more files **

10. click disconnect when you're finished.


a. right click on file you want to download
b. select: download --> direct --> select folder
c. choose folder you want to download to and click ok

** repeat steps a-c to download more files **