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  I think my girlfriend ows me.

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Author Topic:   I think my girlfriend ows me. - (Read 900 Times)
Lt. Cmdr.
posted December 23, 2001 05:27     Click Here to See the Profile for MajorBarcalow     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I liked a girl I knew and I ask her out and she said no. But I asked her out again and I stopped until she said yes. And I went out with her because she was hot and cute and I think we had much fun. I saved money and borowed some and spent on her as much as I can so the date would be fun and she would have a good time. I even sang and danced for her. Then when I was driving her home I told her I loved her and she said we were just friends and this made me mad. So I yelled at her and she wanted to go home. I was very up set and I cried but she still wanted to go and she said she didn't want to go out with me. But yes as friends but this is a rip off for me.

I know girls aren't going to agreeing to me, but guys will because when we take a girl out, we are owed. The guys can all understand this. If she only like me as a friend, why did she go? She led me on. She shouldn't go if she did not love me. She agred to go with me and I spent my money and took her out. I think for her to change things in the middle along the way and call me her friend is a cheap rip-off. She just made me spoend my money and now she won't go out with me again. I'm very angery at her and want to get her back.

posted December 23, 2001 05:32     Click Here to See the Profile for Barcode   Click Here to Email Barcode     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Eh ? No one is leading you on by agreeing to socialise with you. Heck, I go out with male friends all the time and we buy one another drinks and then quite happily go our seperate ways at the end of the evening with no one expecting anything. Good grief, what are you taking ?

Also, telling someone you love them is enough to freak anyone out if they had no idea it was coming. You could have just said you liked her, or tried to be considerably more subtle to say the least.

It's more than a little ridiculous to be mad - isn't that what friends do, go out and have fun together ? You chose to spend your money; this girl did not force you. You have made the mistake by having the arrogance to expect something in return for it.

That would make me feel cheap if someone had the nerve to claim I owed them something sexually after being taken out on a date - it denotes a total lack of respect for the individual. No wonder she reacted the way she did - quite sensible it seems to me.

posted December 23, 2001 05:34     Click Here to See the Profile for Silik     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh this is believable.

Did you tie her up with rope or did you just use a phone cord? Rope can be pricey these days...

"Did they tell you that the 22nd century was going to be your final resting place?"

posted December 23, 2001 05:37     Click Here to See the Profile for Silik     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Geez, barcode, you're really buying this? You can't tell that he made it up on the spot?

"Did they tell you that the 22nd century was going to be your final resting place?"

[This message has been edited by Silik (edited December 23, 2001).]

posted December 23, 2001 05:55     Click Here to See the Profile for Platter     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Was anyone else expecting this thread to be about anal/oral sex?

Malnurtured Snayer
posted December 23, 2001 06:37     Click Here to See the Profile for Malnurtured Snayer   Click Here to Email Malnurtured Snayer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dammit, I said 'hi' to that girl at the mall! She needs to strip naked right on the spot and let me fuck her up the ass.


Yeah, Barcode, I go out a lot with other guys and girls, and we drink, buy each other drinks, etc. I don't expect anything but to get drunk by the end of the night.

I'm actually surprised Barcalow *got* a date!

Captain Maestu
posted December 23, 2001 06:44     Click Here to See the Profile for Captain Maestu   Click Here to Email Captain Maestu     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Sorry, but this is the image that is conjured up whenever I read one of MajorBarcalow's rants.

Is it just me?

posted December 23, 2001 06:51     Click Here to See the Profile for Silik     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I'm dying!!!! I'm fucking dying, dude!!!!!

Oh this is just too much for me to handle. I've spent like, the last hour reading his threads. I can't take it anymore. My heart just isn't up to the challenge.

Good night, Maestu. You really put me out with that one.

"Did they tell you that the 22nd century was going to be your final resting place?"

C. Montgomery Burns
Rear Admiral
posted December 23, 2001 09:45     Click Here to See the Profile for C. Montgomery Burns   Click Here to Email C. Montgomery Burns     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm sorry Majordickalow, you're 'girlfriend' owes you nothing.

From what I understand, this was only the fist date! Is it not too soon to be declaring your love for this women? Any strong move at this stage would just scare her off.

She wouldn't go out with you again because now she probably thinks you're a upstart prick. I'm sorry but like your brief stint here in TNZ, any problem is self-inflicted. Blaming it on the girl is surely futile.

Rear Admiral
posted December 23, 2001 11:09     Click Here to See the Profile for StarMan   Click Here to Email StarMan     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
CMB: From what I understand, this was only the fist date!

Only?! Jesus, I think you'd have to have a pretty established and trusting relationship before you committed to a "fisting" date.


C. Montgomery Burns
Rear Admiral
posted December 23, 2001 11:36     Click Here to See the Profile for C. Montgomery Burns   Click Here to Email C. Montgomery Burns     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Where's my lamb roast Kiwi?

posted December 23, 2001 12:42     Click Here to See the Profile for Borgs8472   Click Here to Email Borgs8472     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think you need to take a more mature attiture to this girl.

She likes you YES

She want's a boyfriend NO

There's nothing wrong with hanging around with cute girls as friends, you never know, she's probably got some friends of her own who would be interested in you.

Rear Admiral
posted December 23, 2001 13:58     Click Here to See the Profile for StarMan   Click Here to Email StarMan     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've just realised...

Oh God.

CMB and I have been... *gulp*, flirting! I wasn't even conscious of it!

Rear Admiral
posted December 23, 2001 14:24     Click Here to See the Profile for TheMaster   Click Here to Email TheMaster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Two minor notes:

1) You asked her until she said "yes". That usually means either that she wasn't very enthusiastic in the first place, or it was mild amusement. If you had been perfect, you would have had a chance at a second date, and maybe some more. But again, unless you were PERFECT, you didn't have a prayer.

2) She's not your "girlfriend". If you are very,very lucky, she might still be your friend. You asked HER out, you are responsible to entertain her. You failed, and scared the living shit out of her. Hell, I've been sleeping with my girlfriend for over a year, and I haven't said "I love you" yet! You never toss that out, unless you are absolutely sure that it is expected, and/or reciprocated.

C. Montgomery Burns
Rear Admiral
posted December 23, 2001 14:26     Click Here to See the Profile for C. Montgomery Burns   Click Here to Email C. Montgomery Burns     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by StarMan:
I've just realised...

Oh God.

[b]CMB and I have been... *gulp*, flirting! I wasn't even conscious of it!


Do you want to make a confession here?

Is that a sign of latent urges?

posted December 23, 2001 14:30     Click Here to See the Profile for CaptainWacky   Click Here to Email CaptainWacky     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Did you introduce this girl to you mother?

posted December 23, 2001 14:55     Click Here to See the Profile for Palladin5     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

For the saftey and well being of sociaty........well how the hell havn't you been committed yet?

Lt. Cmdr.
posted December 23, 2001 17:23     Click Here to See the Profile for MajorBarcalow     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Borgs8472:
I think you need to take a more mature attiture to this girl.

She likes you YES

She want's a boyfriend NO

There's nothing wrong with hanging around with cute girls as friends, you never know, she's probably got some friends of her own who would be interested in you.

Then why go on a DATE with me? If we were just friends she should have told me first before I wasted my money and my time. She took advantage for nothing to me. If I knew we were just friends I would n't wasted my time with her. For what?

Lt. Cmdr.
posted December 23, 2001 17:26     Click Here to See the Profile for MajorBarcalow     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by TheMaster:
Two minor notes:

1) You asked her until she said "yes". That usually means either that she wasn't very enthusiastic in the first place, or it was mild amusement. If you had been perfect, you would have had a chance at a second date, and maybe some more. But again, unless you were PERFECT, you didn't have a prayer.

2) She's not your "girlfriend". If you are very,very lucky, she might still be your friend.

Well, first, she lead onmme then. Second, I don't want her as a friend because now I hate her and I want to get even. When I see her at work, I'm going to ingor her. I already have a friend. I don't need another. I just wanted to kiss her a lot. Why?

[This message has been edited by MajorBarcalow (edited December 23, 2001).]

posted December 23, 2001 18:11     Click Here to See the Profile for biotech   Click Here to Email biotech     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Platter:
Was anyone else expecting this thread to be about anal/oral sex?

Yeah I thought he had gone down on her and she hadnt returned the favour.

MajorBarcalow I belive there are women you can spend money on and they will sleep with you, dont tell them you love them thought it upset their pimps.

Rear Admiral
posted December 23, 2001 18:32     Click Here to See the Profile for Dayton3   Click Here to Email Dayton3     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It sounds like you are being a little premature by calling her your "girlfriend".

posted December 23, 2001 18:42     Click Here to See the Profile for Platter     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wait a minute... you're a GUY?! I thought you said you cried when the cops pulled you over?

posted December 23, 2001 19:07     Click Here to See the Profile for plm135     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hey this could all be true.

I once met this Persian girl, fairly cute, I liked the way she looked.

The first date went fine, we had some dinner, saw a movie, there was some chemistry there.

The date ends, I take her home, she invites me in to meet her parents...I think well not the usual American custom but shes Persian so no biggie.

I go in, her parents are really nice...

We go out for me to go home, we kiss, shes a little aggressive but still acceptable.

then as she walks away does she say good night? nope. Does she say i really like ya? no.

She says "I love you!"

I then proceed to have deer in headlights look on face as I stammer out, good night.

I tried to continue through with it the next couple of dates but she was so clingy and quick to go so far that iw as like WHOA!

So in short, there are people out there who do the whole i love you thing right from the start.

the thing is, we judge them too harshly i think.

i have had love at first site before. When its mutual then everyone says how sweet. When it isnt then the person who is doing it is somehow a freak. I didnt think that girl was a freak, she just moved way too fast for me.

This guy above? comment.

posted December 23, 2001 20:52     Click Here to See the Profile for mastequila     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Major, are you serious? If you are, you need some help, my friend.

This girl owes you nothing - N-O-T-H-I-N-G. That's the joy of dating. You win some, you lose some.

It sounds to me like she agreed to go out with you just to get you off her back. How many times did you ask her before she finally said yes?


*shakes head*

Some people.

Rear Admiral
posted December 23, 2001 21:14     Click Here to See the Profile for Dayton3   Click Here to Email Dayton3     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Forget what your girlfriend owes YOU major.

I think your mother owes us all.

Fleet Captain
posted December 23, 2001 21:47     Click Here to See the Profile for bluinfinity   Click Here to Email bluinfinity     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by plm135:

She says "I love you!"

I then proceed to have deer in headlights look on face as I stammer out, good night.

Well, at least you were smart enough to get away! I was not so bright once. I walked head on into a situation where I was being asked to pick out a wedding ring after a month! I should have at least got the hint when she swallowed a handful of pills because I spoke to one of my exes...

Seven Of Nine
Lt. Cmdr.
posted December 23, 2001 21:56     Click Here to See the Profile for Seven Of Nine   Click Here to Email Seven Of Nine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by MajorBarcalow:
I liked a girl I knew and I ask her out and she said no. But I asked her out again and I stopped until she said yes. And I went out with her because she was hot and cute and I think we had much fun. I saved money and borowed some and spent on her as much as I can so the date would be fun and she would have a good time. I even sang and danced for her. Then when I was driving her home I told her I loved her and she said we were just friends and this made me mad. So I yelled at her and she wanted to go home. I was very up set and I cried but she still wanted to go and she said she didn't want to go out with me. But yes as friends but this is a rip off for me.

I know girls aren't going to agreeing to me, but guys will because when we take a girl out, we are owed. The guys can all understand this. If she only like me as a friend, why did she go? She led me on. She shouldn't go if she did not love me. She agred to go with me and I spent my money and took her out. I think for her to change things in the middle along the way and call me her friend is a cheap rip-off. She just made me spoend my money and now she won't go out with me again. I'm very angery at her and want to get her back.

This is one of the most Funniest/Pathetic Threads that ive read thus Far!(though i Seriously think this is fake...)

#1 In this post's title you refer to this girl as your 'Girlfriend' when in actuallity she turned you down and refuses to go with you anymore ...Supposidly.
So why would you refer to her as your Girlfriend when it is obvious by your own admittance that she is not?

#2 Where did you learn that if you buy something/take someone out that they "owe" you something?I am curious,what WHERE you expecting from her after the "date"?

#3 As said many times earlier in this thread.Why didn't you get the hint that she DIDN'T WANT TO DATE YOU, Don't you realize YOU WERE A PITTY DATE...

if this is Reality,then you really need to stop watching T.V., and read a book on dating ...or something..

I am Seven of Nine.Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-One.
Formerly of the Borg Collective.I Require Perfection and Efficiency
Those who cannot provide these Facilities will be Assimilated.

[This message has been edited by Seven Of Nine (edited December 23, 2001).]

posted December 23, 2001 22:20     Click Here to See the Profile for Bock   Click Here to Email Bock     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't think she's your girlfriend. I do think you spend too much time in front of your computer, though.

Temis the Vorta
Rear Admiral
posted December 24, 2001 01:48     Click Here to See the Profile for Temis the Vorta     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Give me a break. If you want to trade sex for money JUST SAY SO at the beginning of the date. She will, of course, laugh in your face and then tell everyone she knows what a dickwad you are. So do what losers do and go out and find a real hooker. You're gonna need more money than you would spend on some teenybopper date, tho.

Lt. Cmdr.
posted December 24, 2001 06:24     Click Here to See the Profile for vampgrrl   Click Here to Email vampgrrl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've been reading this uhm strange person's posts for a while now. I can't believe this person is for real. His IQ seems to be around 50 or so and I certainly don't believe that he has a job and could even get a real live human female to even talk to him.

Besides, whoever this is just wants attention. Remember, DONT FEED THE TROLLS

posted December 24, 2001 07:46     Click Here to See the Profile for AlphaMan     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by MajorBarcalow:
Well, first, she lead onmme then. Second, I don't want her as a friend because now I hate her and I want to get even. When I see her at work, I'm going to ingor her. I already have a friend. I don't need another. I just wanted to kiss her a lot. Why?

[This message has been edited by MajorBarcalow (edited December 23, 2001).]

OOOOOOkay... now you're starting to scare me.... Dude, this lady owes you nothing. You scared her off by spilling your "love" beans to early.

Ask yourself this... did you enjoy the date? Did you enjoy spending your time with her? If your answer is no, then she probably knew that and treated you accordingly... If your answer is yes, then your money was well spent. Move on to the next one and good luck... my daughter has only 10 years until she reaches dating age and I hope you are paired off well before then!!!

unimatrix zero-one
Lt. Cmdr.
posted December 24, 2001 07:49     Click Here to See the Profile for unimatrix zero-one   Click Here to Email unimatrix zero-one     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by MajorBarcalow:
I even sang and danced for her. Then when I was driving her home I told her I loved her and she said we were just friends and this made me mad. So I yelled at her and she wanted to go home. I was very up set and I cried but she still wanted to go and she said she didn't want to go out with me. But yes as friends but this is a rip off for me.

Creepy, creepy, creepy. This makes me want to close my blinds.

posted December 24, 2001 15:58     Click Here to See the Profile for Fedykin   Click Here to Email Fedykin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Captain Maestu:

Sorry, but this is the image that is conjured up whenever I read one of [b]MajorBarcalow's rants.

Is it just me?[/B]

Thanks alot asshole. I just had all 4 impacted wisdom teeth out. I have been healing well for the last few days, but when I read your post, I laughed so hard I may have broke my sutures.


Without order, notihing can survive.
Without chaos, nothing can evolve.

Lt. Cmdr.
posted December 24, 2001 17:19     Click Here to See the Profile for MajorBarcalow     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by vampgrrl:
I've been reading this uhm strange person's posts for a while now. I can't believe this person is for real. His IQ seems to be around 50 or so and I certainly don't believe that he has a job and could even get a real live human female to even talk to him.

Besides, whoever this is just wants attention. Remember, DONT FEED THE TROLLS

Oh yeah? Well, I usually ignor insults but I wanted to know that I always test good. I was in gifted and talented in my schools. And I have TWO jobs! And I talk to lot of girls. So you don't know nothing or me!!!!!!!!!

Lt. Cmdr.
posted December 24, 2001 17:23     Click Here to See the Profile for MajorBarcalow     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Seven Of Nine:

[b]This is one of the most Funniest/Pathetic Threads that ive read thus Far!
(though i Seriously think this is fake...)

#1 In this post's title you refer to this girl as your 'Girlfriend' when in actuallity she turned you down and refuses to go with you anymore ...Supposidly.
So why would you refer to her as your Girlfriend when it is obvious by your own admittance that she is not?

#2 Where did you learn that if you buy something/take someone out that they "owe" you something?I am curious,what WHERE you expecting from her after the "date"?

#3 As said many times earlier in this thread.Why didn't you get the hint that she DIDN'T WANT TO DATE YOU, Don't you realize YOU WERE A PITTY DATE...

if this is Reality,then you really need to stop watching T.V., and read a book on dating ...or something..

First, I thoughtshe was going to be my girlfriend. Then, all I wanted was to kiss her a lot. I think that's fair on a first date when two pweople love each other.

Third, it wasn';t a pitty date. She was just greedy and used me for money and a meal. I know she said no alot first, but if you don't sucede, try again. I though I could talk her into it.

Pthalo BlueMoon
posted December 24, 2001 17:25     Click Here to See the Profile for Pthalo BlueMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've been reading your posts, Major Barcalow, and I have to admit you intrigue me. Do you really live with your mother? I find that extremely sexy. Please talk to us some more, I think I would like to date you. I promise not to put your action figures in naughty positions , and you can tell me all about being rank...

-formerly known as rayna

"To love another person is to see the face of God."
Jean Valjean-Les Miserables

Lt. Cmdr.
posted December 24, 2001 17:26     Click Here to See the Profile for MajorBarcalow     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Temis the Vorta:
Give me a break. If you want to trade sex for money JUST SAY SO at the beginning of the date. She will, of course, laugh in your face and then tell everyone she knows what a dickwad you are. So do what losers do and go out and find a real hooker. You're gonna need more money than you would spend on some teenybopper date, tho.

This isn't what I wanted and it's wrong. I wanted to make her love me and marry me, but she ruined it. But it doesn't matter. I know another girl I like and I will get even later. I'll ignor her at work and if she ever screws up, I'll tell the supervisor on her and get her fired. You don't mess with "Big Dawg!"

Pthalo BlueMoon
posted December 24, 2001 17:45     Click Here to See the Profile for Pthalo BlueMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Forget that other girl, Major. I'M the girl for you! I think I love you already. Please ask me out. I won't say no like that other mean girl who leaded you on. I'll say yes, and then we can have lots of fun. Please!

Rear Admiral
posted December 24, 2001 18:53     Click Here to See the Profile for TheMaster   Click Here to Email TheMaster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
PBM: You really do need to go out once in a while...

Minor Barcalow: You say you talk to girls all the time-- but does that include girls you have to pay to talk to? I mean, do you talk to girls outside of those 1-900 numbers?

Pthalo BlueMoon
posted December 24, 2001 20:43     Click Here to See the Profile for Pthalo BlueMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^I just don't have the incentive to go out anymore, now that I've found my soulmate on-line!

MajorBarcalow, I want to have your babies! Dozens of BabyBarcalows, all running around your mother's house! Do you think she would babysit for us?

I LOVE YOU, my sweet socially inept stud-muffin!

Rear Admiral
posted December 24, 2001 21:54     Click Here to See the Profile for TheMaster   Click Here to Email TheMaster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What is the plural of Barcalow? Barkalots? Bricks? Barcalong? Maybe we should have a contest to devise the best one.

Malnurtured Snayer
posted December 24, 2001 22:08     Click Here to See the Profile for Malnurtured Snayer   Click Here to Email Malnurtured Snayer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Or, in your case, "Tiny Loser Dawg."

And how seriously is your boss going to take you when you rattle on your co-worker in your 'Star Trek' uniform, hmmm ... ?

Pthalo BlueMoon
posted December 24, 2001 22:18     Click Here to See the Profile for Pthalo BlueMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Don't let them say ANYTHING about your uniform, Barky! I have fantasies about doing it in a office cube with a guy in a Star Trek uniform. It's a real turn-on!

The more than ones way of saying Barcalow, I think, would be Barcalowes, or maybe just Barcalow, like sheep or deer.

Barky, talk to me, baby! I can't leave my computer until you do! Give me a sign that my love will be returned...

posted December 25, 2001 01:18     Click Here to See the Profile for CaptProton   Click Here to Email CaptProton     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh Major, I feel your pain man!!!! My girlfriend of almost 2 years just dumped me. I asked her for the total of $758.99 i spent on her back and she refused! The nerve of that girl! If she was going to break up with me why did she let me spend all that money and time with her?!

Really dude i am surprised you even got a date. I can't beleive you even thought it could be romantic. Especially if you look ANYTHING like that pic Maestu posted (which I am still laughing about)

A Fishstick is not a fish, nor is it a stick...
It is a fungus

Lt. Cmdr.
posted December 25, 2001 02:32     Click Here to See the Profile for bolian12   Click Here to Email bolian12     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What is a "Barcalow" anyway?
BTW, Bluemoon is starting to scare me.

Pthalo BlueMoon
posted December 25, 2001 04:52     Click Here to See the Profile for Pthalo BlueMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Barky, where are you? Tell me our love is true! I need a sign, any sign will do. I am the left, you are the right-together we make a complete pair of shoes.....


-formerly known as rayna

"To love another person is to see the face of God."
Jean Valjean-Les Miserables

-the future Mrs. MajorBarcalow

[This message has been edited by Pthalo BlueMoon (edited December 25, 2001).]

Rear Admiral
posted December 25, 2001 04:58     Click Here to See the Profile for TheMaster   Click Here to Email TheMaster     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
PBM: You sound BARKING mad to me!

CaptProton: I got dumped after 11 years: I figure I aught to be able to file for federal disaster assistance.

posted December 25, 2001 07:06     Click Here to See the Profile for Kelso   Click Here to Email Kelso     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Malnurtured Snayer:
Dammit, I said 'hi' to that girl at the mall! She needs to strip naked right on the spot and let me fuck her up the ass.

I like the way you think.

posted December 25, 2001 08:31     Click Here to See the Profile for Kislath     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Uh, Barky?

Dates are like job interviews. You may win, you may lose, but you'll never know until it's over. The only real difference is that there's the slight possibility of winding up naked after a date.

