On-line Auctions


Whilst on-line auctions provide a useful service in the market (and a bit of fun) they are not without risks and issues.

Issue Explanation Attempted Solution
Non Delivery Providers will not guarantee delivery by vendors Some sites rate vendors
Non Payment Providers will not guarantee payment by purchasers Rating of regular purchasers
Security According to "Internet Fraud Watch 2000": Auctions Accounted for 87% internet frauds in 1999
  • Insurance
  • third party security services
  • work with fraud agencies
Localisation Shipping and logistics issues add to the cost of items A number of "locally" based sites operate for a specific geographic region
Illegal Items There is no validation of whether sale items are stolen or illegal Close working relationship with authorities and fraud agencies

Check out Some really cool Auction Sites.

Disclaimer: This page has been prepared by Glenn Campbell as part of an assignment for MGSM Post Graduate Certificate in E-Commerce. Please email any enquiries to Sue Halmagyi: sueh@ics.mq.edu.au