My name is Glenn Bronner and I am the grounds supervisor for the oldest chartered hospital in the city of Chicago, Illinois.I have been involved in horticulture one way or another for over 36 years and I have a vast knowledge of all the wrong things to do which I will be happy to share with you here on my web site.
    I started my horticultural career back in my home town of Miami, Florida at the age of 8. Back then my main duties were to pull weeds out of my grandmothers zoysia lawn and to help with picking the fruit off of the mango, papaya, orange, grapefruit, lemon, and avocado trees.
    Later on in my teens,I quickly learned about the money to be made while doing lawn work for others. I made friends with several  of the local nusery owners and they taught me a lot about propagation and cultural care of plants. As I was doing more installation work, I started to grow more and more of my own materials to increase my profits.
    In my twenties,I   moved north to Illinois and attended horticultural classes at the college where I worked. I learned about greenhouse propagation and management, as well as turfgrass, soil & fertilizer, and sports turf management.
    My resume also includes several high schools, hospitals and my own landscape maintenance buisness. Along the way I have picked up a lot of information, techniques, short cuts, and even scientific facts.  Which I will be  happy to share with you.

This picture probably dates me they didn't do color back then. This is a picture of the coconut palms in my grandmothers front yard before the Lethal Yellowing Virus killed them all.
My Garden Location
MY GARDEN              
THE GREENHOUSE              

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