John Fogel Miami University Press home
The Printer's Error  

"Of the overlooked poets of our time, Aaron Fogel may be the most brilliant and the most imaginatively complex. If you haven't read him, there is great pleasure in your immediate future. I love his work."  --David Lehman

The Printer's Error

"Aaron Fogel lets his extraordinary and thoroughly original intelligence write his heartbreaking, witty and complex poems for him. Some of his poems are fairly difficult--but theirs is an earned difficulty, born of the complexity of his thought, of his experience, of the world as he parses it and understands it. His poems are so smart and so surprising and so interesting, while constantly remaining loyal to the lackluster day-to-day actuality of this world." --Jacqueline Osherow

Aaron Fogel's poetry has impressed me for almost four decades. He is alive to the subtlest discrimination in the science of poetry and its architecture.  --David Shapiro

Aaron Fogel's books include Chain Hearings (poems), and Coercion to Speak: Conrad's Poetics of Dialogue (criticism). He is currently editing a collection of 20th century poets' prose. Backdoor Books will soon publish his chapbook, Ornery Language Philosophy. His poems have appeared in such places as The Best American Poetry, Boulevard, and Slate.

A Guggenheim Fellowship recipient, he lives with his wife Barbara and his son Adam in Cambridge. He teaches at Boston University.