The Divine Mercy
Despite our many differences, there truly is but one church of God present in the world -- I hope that through the efforts of all concerned Christians someday a truly unified Church will be not a shadow of memory in the distant past but rather a true, present reality. Until then, let us celebrate our differences and embrace each other as fellow inheritors in the Kingdom of God the Father Almighty. Amen.
Yes, the Holy See has a website! It's actrually a rather good one in my opinion -- check it out. There's also a special section on each of the most recent Popes. The link will direct you to the English version, but if you feel like being linguistically-challenged, go to the main page with various languages here.
The Vatican
This is my home diocese (for those not in the know, a diocese is a division of territory within the Church -- I'll explain it to you one day), headed by the three best bishops in the nation in my humble opinion.
The Diocese of San Diego
The seminal work on condensing all things Catholic into one location -- a new edition has just been compiled recently, with new articles on all manner of topics confronting the modern Church -- this online version is still from the older edition, but is a valuable resource if you're trying to find the definition of something in particular.
The Catholic Encyclopedia
Ever wonder which saint is patron of what? This site has a fairly large listing of assorted and random (!!!) topics.
Patron Saints Index
An excellent reflection on just who Our Lady was and is . . . for those interested persons you can find various prayers and devotions here. For those with questions about Our Lady, take a look at this page.
Who was Mary?
This is the Latin version of the Mass that you'll hear said in almost every Catholic Church throughout the world, although you probably won't hear it this way. HaHA! How's that for confusing you?!
The Novus Ordo Mass in Latin
This is the Latin Mass which the Church used from the time of the Council of Trent (during the Catholic Reformation) until the Second Vatican II (Vatican II -- now it's personal [thanks Caleb and Jeremiah et al. lol]). Compare and contrast with the above, newer version and note the differences. Then prepare a five-to-seven page essay on . . . oh. Sorry. Lapsed into teacher mode.
The Tridentine Mass
Here you'll find all manner of traditional Catholic prayers and blessings and so on and so forth, in both Latin and English.
Prayer Library
This is indeed an online rosary -- just click the mouse to advance the beads. Good for someone who wants to learn how the Rosary works and the Mysteries of Faith associated therewith. You can also find an online confessional here -- not liturgically correct or valid, but kind of funny in a way. One time I received 331 Hail Marys and 63 Our Fathers, and was told to fast for 8 weeks by the virtual confessor lol . . . for more on the Rosary, check out Pope John Paul II's encyclical Rosarium Virginis Mariae.
E-Rosary by Absolution-Online
This is the BEST Bible site online in my opinion -- all the different versions, in all sorts of different languages searchable by verse or keyword -- incredibly useful!
Bible Gateway
My source for non-Catholic faith nourishment; a wonderful church with excellent ministers and a warm, friendly environment. This is the place that got me back into going to church, and led me to rediscover the wonders of the Christian faith. And on top of that, it's where my best friends go, so who could argue? :-) (DISCLAIMER: The management apologizes for the crappiness of this site -- there is a new site under construction)
Coming soon:
A Glossary of Catholic Terms  -and-  My Ruminations on Faith
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