All about me
A step into the mysterious mind of Melody!
<-- haha! nice huh?
                          Random blabble from me!  11/03/04
okie, it's been a while I know.. so sue me.. haha, actually, don't. because.. that... just... well, it wouldn't be cool. I got my dreads on Friday! some are nice a tight, but others.. well, their not THAT tight. but, dang are they greecy! I'm gonna wash them on Saturday I'm thinking. yeah... oh but they feel cool! if there's enough demand, [seeing as I don't know whether people actually go here anymore] I'll post pictures. you know, just because I'm that nice! *grins* so Natalie and I are preforming our play tomorrow in drama. and guess what! I'm not at all nervious! OH!!! it's Gone by Toby Mac on the radio!!! wow...  the radio verson is different.. not as much guitar in it. I like the Cd verson better.. but meh, thats just me. odd.. now it's Gone by Switchfoot. hahahaha, two different songs in a row! how often does that happen? not very.  oh! guess what! now it's Paul Wright with Toby Mac in my fav. song on his [Paul Wright] Cd!!  and the song is "West Coast Kid" yeah! it be rocking! ok... I'm tired... so I'm out. caio! God Bless all of you!

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