The four Zodiac Senshi are all guided and guarded by four more felines of the planet Mau, each Senshi with their own guardian. These four cats were chosen as they were Mau Zodiac cross cats, their mothers were all from Mau and their fathers from the relavent Zodiac planet which gives them their powers to guide their sailor senshi. The four guardians are Taurus of Virgo, Aries of Leo, Libra of Aquarius and Scorpio of Pisces.

Aries, the ginger tabby Guardian of Leo

Aries is the guardian of the Senshi of Leo. He originated from the planet of Mau like the other guardians but was a cross with a Leonine feline thus giving him his guardianship. In the crescent moon on his forehead, Aries bears his Astrological sign
to signify this. Personality-wise Aries is relaxed and easygoing but he does have an inner drive which guides him with a great determination to succeed. Aries is firm, fair and practical and tries to act as a calming influence on his opposite astrological guardian of Libra. Aries' appearance (as a cat of fire) is a brightly coloured ginger tabby.


Libra is the guardian of the Senshi of Aquarius and is a cross with an Aquarian cat but does not display many of the eccentric Aquarian tendencies despite still having a conflicting personality. Her cresecent moon beats the scales of Libra and she starts out pleasant enough but is sarcastic, moody yet oddly sensual in her approaches. Libra is focussed, but only when required and likes to be lazy giving the impression she doesn't care. She can also be hypocritical over her actions. She is a snowy white cat with what woould appear to be a slight icy blue tint.

Libra, the snowy white Guardian of Aquarius
Scorpio, the blue Russian Guardian of Pisces

Scorpio is the guardian of the Senshi of Pisces and is a cross with a Piscean cat. She is fairly light-hearted, not as assertive as Aries nor serious like Libra. She likes to joke and have fun and picks up on Libra’s sensuality as something to make fun of. Her crescent moon bears the sign of the Scorpion, and Scorpio’s sting comes from her blindness to the annoyance and hurt her jokes can sometimes cause, but she is still a balancing effect on the sullen Libra. She is focused when it comes to a battle though, like Libra her mind wanders at other times and she does not concentrate on her task in the interim, but she is a useful guide when required. Scorpio is a ‘Blue’cat, her coat is a curious dark teal colour with a black tip on her tail.


Taurus is the guardian of the Senshi of Virgo and is a cross with a Virgoan cat. He is kindly and cares deeply about the welfare of Teimei, feeling a little concerned with her quietness to begin with but then understanding her he offers his full support. Taurus probably understands his senshi best as he makes efforts to get Teimei to open up. He also gets on with the other cats; he remains focused upon his task throughout with a positive attitude although this can make him the target of either Libra’s maliciousness or Scorpio’s jokes. Taurus is a chocolate brown coloured cat with a very slight muddy-green tinge to his fur.

Taurus, the Guardian of Virgo
