This section is to explain some of the mythology behind the Zodiac Senshi. As a Sailor Moon has no shortage of references to the Classical myths, and writing about the Zodiacs with their 'histories' I suppose it is also useful to explain a bit about the background to better understand why something was chosen and also how characters react.

Firstly the Astrological Profiles of the four Zodiacs. When writing the character's and deciding upon personality I hadn't really read seriously about each sign and the traits. Just really some basic information about birthstones, the personalities just developed in my head, but I have found that they strangely enough match very well the traits of their sign. The best example is Pisces/Mellissa who I decided that due to Esa and Cassie's closeness, she would befriend Teimei. From there it developed that she would get on well with the quieter people and does not exactly like Athene who is an opposite to this. Then on various net travels (to find Zodiac illustrations) I came across a Pisces Profile which said that it was in a Pisces tendency to befriend quieter people. So I thought that by explaining the Zodiac traits, the Zodiac's own personalities would be explained further.

==Virgo== Leo== Aquarius== Pisces==

Secondly, in the table below, the Mythology behind the parentage I chose for the Silver Millennium parents. I decided to continue with the Greek myth ideas and scoured articles for relevant deities to be the parents of the senshi. Relevant to their characters/planetary influence. The table gives the senshi, their parents and then some notes on why those deities were chosen.

Paeon is another name for Apollo or Asclepius, a God of Healing. Aedos was a companion of Nemesis and the female personification of modesty, respect and reverence.
Both names are simply changed spellings of two deities. Hesia (Hestia) is the Greek Goddess of the Hearth while Hefestus (Hephaestus) is the Greek God of Fire.
Both were created using letters to 'do' with Aquarius, but while Aque is just a made-up jumble of letters, Ria is the name for a river formation.
Melia was a Greek Oceanid Nymph (daughter of Oceanus) with an influence of water and the ocean. Aegir was the God of the Sea in Norse mythology.
Apollo is the Greek Sun God (closest to Mercury), and also has roles as God of Prophecy, Medicine and Intelligence. Melite is a Roman sea nymph, a Naiad of the Aegaeus River in Corcyra.
Zeus is the God of Lightening, and the Greek equivalent of Jupiter. Hera is Zeus' wife but also the Goddess of family and marriage which seems to embody Jupiter's domesticated attitude well.
