The holiday season is suppose to be a time of joy, good cheer and fellowship. For those who suffer from SAD, this is not always the case. Take heart, there are steps you can take to help to get through them with less stress.

During the holiday season many become more depressed from all the added stress, fatigue, unrealistic expectations and demands of others. With the addition of over commercialization, shopping, parties and extra needs of our families, the sufferer of SAD often find themselves sinking ever deeper into deprssion

The steps below can help you to reduce these factors, thus allowing you, the SAD sufferer to get through the holidays with less stress, anxiety and depression.

* Be realistic in the goals you set for yourself. You are only one person and cannot do it all for everyone.

* Pace yourself, don't leave things till the last minute.

* Make a list and prioritize the items on it. Some things can be done months ahead to reduce the stress.

* Recognize your feelings and acknowledge them, but try to not let them consume you.

* Spend time with family and friends who are supportive of your disorder.

* Let go of the past, don't set yourself up to become sadder by thinking this holiday must be as good or better then the last. Start a new tradition in your home..make any holiday an original, your own, not the way others say it is suppose to be.

* Do not drink to much.....alcohol magnifies depression.

* Enjoy the simple and free things available over the holiday season. Take a drive to look at decorations or do a simple craft with family or friends, or bake some cookes and give them away to lift your spirits.

* Do something nice for someone else, volunteeer a few hours at a local soup kitchen or help out other charities in your area.

* When you find yourself focusing on your saddness, loneliness or looking back at past failures or an uncertain future, get out in the sunlight, read a book in a quiet spot with a cup of herbal tea or take a hot bath with bubble bath and candles and music.

Take care of you, so you can take care of others.

Enter sky of azure
No cloud above we see
Resting in contentment
The safest place to be.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
©2001, used with permission
If you would enjoy using this poem please contact
Ms. Pucillo for permission to use on your NON-POSTCARD PERSONAL site.
Just click on her name to e-mail her.


Art Work:
We use the wonderful art work of Mr. Whitaker with his permission as stated on his web site. It is totally breathtaking. Visit his website by clicking on the banner below. It is the painting displayed in the wall hanging, of course, that is his work.

Moon and Back Graphics