1.1 NAME AND ADDRESS: The name will be the Great Lakes Women's Soccer League, hereafter referred to as the GLWSL. The address of this organization shall be the mailing address of the League President.

1.2 PURPOSE: The purpose of the GLWSL will be to promote soccer for women in Michigan, to encourage and assist the growth of other female teams and programs, to encourage more women to become licensed coaches and referees, to support any activities which encourage the "good of the game" for all soccer players.

1.3 AFFILIATION: It is our intent to maintain affiliation with the Michigan Soccer Association, hereafter referred to as the MSA.

1.4 MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to any group of women, without regard to race, color or religion, who qualify as a team under the By-laws, and Rules and Regulations of this organization.


1.5.1 Authority: The league GLWSL shall be governed by its Constitution, By-laws, Rules and Regulations, and Policies and Procedures, except when the MSA and/or United States Amateur Soccer Association (USASA) and/or United States Soccer Federation (USSF) supersede those.

1.5.2 Executive Board: The governing authority of this league shall be vested in an Executive Board as provided in the By-laws.

1.5.3 Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction of this organization shall include teams and players that join under the conditions set forth by this organization and the MSA.

1.5.4 Assets: No member shall have any rights to assets or funds of the GLWSL. In case of dissolution of the GLWSL, said assets shall be distributed as set forth by provisions of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

1.5.5 Election of Officers: The Executive Board shall be elected by the members and shall hold office as prescribed in the By-laws.


1.6.1 Notice :The GLWSL shall hold meetings as provided in the By-laws.

1.6.2 Parliamentary Procedure :Unless otherwise specified herein, Robert's Rules of Order, current edition, shall govern in all questions of parliamentary procedure.


1.7.1 Authority: The GLWSL Constitution may be altered, amended or repealed and new laws adopted at the annual General Meeting where a two-thirds (2/3) vote of delegates present and in good standing are in favor of amendment, providing each is first submitted, in writing, thirty (30) days before the Annual General Meeting.

1.7.2 Floor Submittal and Adoption: Amendments coming from the floor at the Annual General Meeting shall require the support of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership present and in good standing for adoption. Such amendments must be written.

1.7.3 Adoption:  This Constitution, upon adoption, supersedes in all respects the Constitution previously in effect, and is concurrently revoked and rescinded.
