double shots page :)

blurry pic of karen and cira i think around the time of the infected mushroom show but i could be mistaken cause i did not take it. :)



me and trent cracked out in phreakys room watching the matrix at defcon um i think defcon 7? :) this was post saturday night and yes we were still up and going... :) the energizer bunny has nothing on us at defcon. :) hahaha


this was defcon 6 selling t-shirts in the vendor room at the Plaza hotel. :)


Ryan and Michelle defcon 9



donovan and zaira relaxing in the dj tent at defcon um, 8.. yeah defcon 8! :) it is so hard now that its at the same hotel every year to try to distinguish between the cons.. other than the outfits for the ball.


for some reason this is one of my favorite pics of blythe and kadesh..... i know they would probably disagree on that, but i like the whole "action shot" factor of this one.


Megan and Jaime from defcon 9


Patrick and Cira defcon 9


Karen and Trent Defcon 9 afterparty


Brendan and Chris defcon 9


Christian and Darren defcon 9


Karen and Cira defcon 9


Julia and Karen defcon 9


another shot from bj's zaira and lori


lori and donovan at the defcon afterparty



this one was taken in te parking structure of the Plaza hotel in Las Vegas... notice mister donoavan and oatmeal posing by the "rap is crap" someone so beautifully wrote on the wall.


this is eric getting swallowed by gary's bright yellow sweatshirt in the middle of the night at an integral. :)


and here we have..... miss angie and mister mark behind her...



