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To Echoes Of Encouragement At The Lancasters

"Through wisdom a house is built, and by understand it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches." Proverbs 24:3-4

We are so glad you stopped by to visit us. We have dedicated these pages to God The Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ and believe that the Holy Spirit is going to minister to your life. We are still in the building phase so we hope you will sign our guestbook and come back to see us again. Enjoy your visit... and it's our prayer that you will not leave our "home on the web" the same way you came...in Jesus name!

Greg, Melinda, & Gregory II

Main Map:

Come And Meet The Lancasters

Don't Faint Ministries

Just Give Me Jesus Without The Junk

Don't Fret Repair & Design

Our thanks to all of you who have visited our website over the years. We are currently determining if we will remain on the web. If so, we are long overdue for a thorough housecleaning of this site. You will currently only be able to visit with us by clicking on one of the links above. However should you visit and want to make contact please take a moment to sign our guestbook or email us and we will get back with you.

 Thank You!


If you would like to link to this site please use the banner provided below. We would appreciate e-mail notification and reserve the right to prohibit links to sites that may be distasteful or non-Christian in nature. Thank you!

Copyright 20008 Melinda Lancaster