
United States Submarine Veterans, Incorporated


Green Mountain Base


Creed of USSVI:


“To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country.

 That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. 

 Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Constitution.”


What we are about


That’s our creed!  We are United States Submarine Sailors!

We were, and are, members of the elite fighting force of the United States Navy.  We are all Qualified in Submarines. 

Some in the very early boats.  S, R or O boats, some during WWII, some during the GUPPY days, FBM Sailors, Fast

Attack Sailors, from E-3 to 4 Stars.  Qualified in Submarines!  Retired, short timer, or active duty, makes no difference.

 If you “Qualified” in the elite Submarine Service, we invite you to join this elite veteran’s organization…USSVI.  We have

 local Bases (chapters) from Pearl Harbor to Portsmouth and some 55 other locations around the U.S.A. as well as two

 Internet Bases.  An annual USSVI convention is held in a different location each year as well as District and Regional

 convention meetings throughout the year.  If you want to hear submarine history from those who have lived it or share sea

stories from pre-WWII to the present, USSVI is the place to do it.  If you want to find former shipmates, plan or attend

boat reunions and share a common bond that never goes away, USSVI is the organization.


Why should you join?  Because this is where you can find others with whom you share the common bond of “Silent Service.”

  This is where everyone understands you Submarine experience and you understand theirs.  This is common ground.  Only

Qualified Submariners are eligible for regular membership.  USSVI also has provisions for Associate Memberships for those

 not “qualified” but are interested in Submarines and their history.  We have a National magazine, American Submariner,

with news, sea stories and articles of submarine interest.  USSVI has an established Scholarship Fund for children and

grandchildren of submariners.  WE establish and support memorials to the memory of those who gave their lives in submarines.

  We conduct memorial services, participate in activities with other veterans groups, and hold social events.



Green Mountain Base


     Green Mountain Base covers the Vermont area.  Our bi-monthly meetings are usually held at the Naval Reserve Center

in White River Junction, VT.  Our base launched in June 01, 1998, is young and relatively small but growing in number. 

With 25 members, we represent service on 48 submarines.  We need you help to grow.  Most of us are still working and

raising families with limited time and resources.  Your participation will be welcomed at the level that you choose.  We try

to keep submarine lore (real and Fictional) alive for our families, our shipmates and the public.  No uniforms, no inspections,

no boards, just the common bond of submariners.


     Many of our submarine experiences don’t seem special to us, but to those outside the “Submarine Community” they

are unusual and even exciting.  In the past few years, many of our at sea experiences and missions undertaken, have been

showing up in books, movies and TV programs.  We are those who were there, and know the true story of submarines.


     Green Mountain Base, USSVI has members who have served on the following boats:

Abraham Lincoln SSBN602, Amberjack SS522, Andrew Jackson SSBN619, Barb SS220,

Benjamin Franklin SSBN640, Carbonero SS337, Carp SS338, Cavalla SSN684, Cobia SS245,

Corporal SS346, Cutlass SS478, Crevalle AGSS291, Darter SS576, Dogfish SS350, Flasher SSN613,

Gudgeon SS567, Harder SS568, Hardhead SS365, Irex SS482, Jallao SS368, Medregal SS480,

Nautilus SSN571, USS Paeche SSN683, Perch SS313, Piper SS409, Queenfish SS393, Queenfish SSN651,

Quillback SS424, Raton SS270, Razorback SS394, Runner SS486, Sarda SS488, Sea Robin S407, 

Sea Owl SS405, Sea Leopard SS483, Seawolf SSN575, USS Skipjack SSN587, Spot SS413, Techumsech SSBN628, Greenfish SS351, Tench SS417, Thomas Edison SSBN610, Thornback SS418, Tigrone AGSS419,

Tinosa SSN606, Trigger SS564, Whale SSN638,  Will Rogers SBN659 (G).


     If you are interested in joining us, we have enclosed a membership application for your convenience.  Please

fill in all applicable data and return with your check in the enclosed envelope.  A “welcome aboard” package containing

your membership card, window stickers and additional Base information will be forwarded to you shortly.


     If you have any questions, please contact one of the shipmates listed below and we will be glad to meet with you or

chat by phone or e-mail.


Gilbert Hanley, Base Cdr.                                                         Albert Perry, Base Secretary

1124 Morse Hollow Rd.                                                           34 Elm St.

Poultney, VT  05764-9298                                                       Richford, VT  05476-1212

Home (802) 287-5236                                                             Home (802) 848-7618

gahssn575@.aol.com                                                                                 perryvt@.together.net


Fair winds and following seas,


Gilbert Hanley                                                                          Albert Perry

USSVI, Green Mountain Base Commander                              USSVI, Green Mountain Base Secretary