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"...I'll tell ye I hae' seen this Orc, and 'tis one of the largest and most ferocious o' t'whole benighted, beastly race!  'Tis gathering its forces e'en as we speak, exhortin' its comrades to  greater an' greater plateaus o' savagery and destruction.  This'll nae just be a raidin' party o' orcs as we hae' seen before - nay, this'll be the Waaaggghhh t'end all Waaagghhhs!...

...These Orcs be in a foul an' murderous mood - an' nae the normal orcy foul an' murderous mood, mind ye, but a right snit at tha'!  Nae just the kind o' mood where they'll beat ye senseless an' have a good laugh about it later.  I'm talkin' about the kind o' a mood where they'll beat ye senseless, tie ya t'spit and slow-roast ye over an open flame 'til ye'r nowt quite dead and then break out the cutlery!  I'm speakin' o' the kind of Orcy ferocity that'll 'ave refugees pourin' over the border out o' Averland like a tidal wave!!  The kind t'make Elector Counts eager t'pass on their Runefangs to any who'll fight in their place!!!  I'm tellin' o' the kind o' Orcy funk in t'air sooo powerful strong and full o' raw Waaaggghh that Khorne himself would consider maybe takin' a fishin' holidy fer a while!!!!  Tha's right, Lads!  Break out the big guns, lock up the Horses, and hide the Beer!!!  The Orcs are comin' ta town!!!"

-Dennis O'Leary, Imperial Scout for the Hochland Irregulars, only survivor of Gunderson's Last Stand at Orc's Drift
Size comparison
Yes, at long last it's Gnarkbag in all his Glory!  Move over, Grimgore Ironhide!  Gork's chosen is on the march.  To show just how big Gnarkbag is, I have included a handgunner from the new box set and an orc from the regimental box for size comparison.  You'll note that Gnarkbag stands a good head taller than a "new orc" and that his axe is almost twice the size of the handgunner!  Now THAT's a boss!  Gnarkbag features peices from a number of sprues and models, including the head and axe from the new Wyvern rider and the body of an old 40K warboss.  Yes, that coxcomb IS a slayer's scalp bolted to his helmet.
Side View
Chek out that Axe!!