
Welcome to the Gnome Ghome

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The Gnome Ghome

Hullo! My name is Ghamish!

I am a gnome and you can see by my red felt hat that I am a male. I shaved off my beard because I wanted to be different. It will take years for it to grow back!

Sometimes it is necessary to use my axe to obtain precious minerals from the earth to take home.

I built our Gnome Ghome with the help of other Gnomes. It's under an old tree, a friend of ours, "Old Man Tree". He's the wisest old stick in the forest!

Long, long ago, magical enchanted trees covered the Enchanted Forest. Beautiful large lush trees canopied the forest floor which was the home of many animals and magical creatures.

One day a dreadful mist hung over the forest. Within days the beautiful trees started to perish. This meant sure doom for the forest. The Fairies and Gnomes came together to try to come up with an answer. Serena (the Fairy of Calm and Serenity) had had a dream the night before with the answer. The Bad Fairy Evilina had put a terrible spell over the forest causing the trees to die!

The next day Hector the Head Gnome was walking through the forest pondering over what to do. He decided to start cleaning up the forest floor by chopping up the dead trees. He took out the special axe that had been passed down through his family and started chopping, and before he knew it, hundreds of little tiny fairies started flying out of the dead tree stump, so he kept chopping and chopping and they kept coming and coming! As they flew through the forest they were spreading Fairy Dust like he had never seen. Pretty soon all the magical creatures of the forest came out to see what all the commotion was about.

The whole forest was shimmering with magical Fairy Dust and soon the dreadful mist disappeared. the forest had been restored and all was at peace again. Now for the first time since the days when wizards and witches ruled the land, humans are allowed to see some of the treasures that lie inside the Secret Hiding Place of the Gnomes of the Enchanted Forest.

For thousands of years, these little people with full-sized hearts have made careful notes on the world around them, knowing that one day others would share in their wisdom notes on the world. Because "The Right Hand Left Hand Rule" (never letting the Left Hand know what the Right Hand is doing) forbids humans from seeing certain parts of The Secret Hiding Place I'll pass on what the Great Gnome has allowed me to tell you.

Although I am 150 years old, I am not really old at all. My parents and even my grandparents are still alive. I am only 15 cm tall, but my cap makes me look much taller. I wear a red one so that my friends the birds don't mistake me for a mouse as I scurry through the forest after nightfall when I'm collecting wood.
Male gnomes let their beards grow and grow. We only ever trim them for special occasions like weddings, visits from relatives or before setting out on long journeys.

We gnomes are small and light and can move through the woodlands remarkably quickly, jumping over obstacles with the greatest of ease. The animals are our neighbors and our neighborhood is the world. Even if nobody sees us, we are watching you! So look around you carefully. If one day you notice that a ball left in the garden has moved or that a broken lamp is now mysteriously working, you can be sure there is a gnome about.

SO ............

Look around you.
There are many things to see,
that some would say could never be.

These things I know.
It's true and I will tell you so.
They are there to see, if you believe.

Trolls and wizards
and fairy kings, birds that talk
and fish that sing.

And if your heart is true,
then you will find them too.
In every wish
and dream and happy home,
you will find the Gnomes!

Grand Papa Gnome

GrandPapa Gnome knew he never had long to live. Gnomes always knew when their time had come. He was 578 years old and had enjoyed his life to the full. Now it was time that he, as an Elder, had to pass on the Understanding of his years to any that cared to listen. Many Fairy Blessings had been bestowed on him over the years, mainly because he was well known as a friend of the Fairies. They had granted him many Good Wishes and he in turn had done many Good Deeds for them. The Fairies never laughed when his hair fell out and his beard grew thin, or when he stopped wearing a red hat.

They accepted him for himself! And that was something GrandPapa Gnome always did; be himself!

"They'll be coming here and asking the same questions as they did last year when I had a bad cold! The year before that when my big toe got inflamed. And the year before that when my nose ran like a river!

They'll say, "What does it all mean?" "Why are we here?" "Where do we go to when we die?" OH MY Goodness!!! Questions! Questions Questions!!! I can't tell them wild stories this time!

I can't say: "What does it mean? 75!! That's the answer!"
I can't say: "Why are we here? Because the Moon is full!
I can't say: "Where do we go when we die? We are turned into toilet seats!"

NO! Can't say anything like that this time! This time I AM going to the Gnome Ghome in the sky!"

"But, I've had a good life! Wonderful Life! Have a wonderful Wife.

Oh Martha! I can still see you on our wedding day! Lovely red cheeks and sparkling eyes! Her beautiful sweet voice too! How sweet!

Especially when I pinched her cheeks she said:

'Do that again and I'll snap your fingers off and ram them up your left nostril!" So very sweet!"

Then the children came, all thirty of them! The forest was full of their laughter!

And all the pranks! Oh the Pranks!! Those pranks they pulled on the human folk!

And Santa and the Elves!

The Elves still complain about that Christmas the reindeers were given epsom salts! Oh dear me yes! How the gutters overflowed that year!

And I think Santa was most unreasonable about some of his Pixies getting the Forest Trots! How were we to know they'd drink the Epsom salts? I think they got a better deal sitting down over Christmas! Better than climbing over roofs cleaning out gutters anyway!

Old Hector was unreasonable too! Most unreasonable! Real cranky! It was fun convincing him to hide in that crate on his wedding night.

OK! So we did fib a bit about some Goblins coming to get him!

And we never meant for it to be sent to China either, not on his honeymoon, ALONE!

His newlywed wife waiting for him in the forest! And him being returned by Pixie Express! Bad luck it took three months!!"

Grandpapa Gnome proved to be correct! Gnomes, Pixies and Fairies arrived in their number to hear some profound insight to life from him. They sat before him as though he were the Fairyland Font of Knowledge. It did NOT please him at all!

He looked into their faces one by one and it saddened him to think that they should be looking beyond themselves for Insight! How on earth was he to explain to them that Insight comes from within? That Insight is of the True Self; the Real Self? It is not 'out there'! It is Within.

He was not a Teacher! He was just a humble Forest Gnome. He had no special Calling on matters of Insight and had no experience in Discussion or Debate! He had nothing Insightful to pass on. Observations perhaps!

But then again he may have! Hadn't he observed that Happiness flows from a Free Heart and an Uncluttered Mind? When the Heart is free to experience the Power of Love! When the Mind is Uncluttered of things of the Past, Open to the Future and focussed on the Now.

If only they knew that his eyesight was failing fast and that all was a blur before him. How he longed to see the Flower Fairies at play! Climbing the stems and sitting on the flowers, smelling the fragrance.

Seeing the Pixies passing pollen to the Worker Bees! Gnomes gathering dried flowers for Flowerbeds to lay on at night.

He was losing the world he loved most, the world of Nature and all it's beauty. That was how he knew his Time was drawing nigh. Very close indeed! For Gnomes lose their eyesight slowly, gradually so they may prepare themselves for the Great Darkness beyond. How he longed for the Great Darkness! Where there was no Loss! The Loss of the Beauty he was losing so fast.

GreatPapa Gnome cleared his throat! Faces focussed on him. Words formed in his mind and he prepared himself for the Outflowing that would follow. For Gnomes had a Outflowing of their Life Experiences, a Cleasing of his Life Force. This he knew was to be His Time of Great Growth. When he saw for himself what it was that he had lived for and how he had lived! The Outflowing was to be before his eyes and before others! Then it was The Time! The Time of Clarity!

"You seek Answers! You should first understand the Question! For if you fully understood the reason for the Question, the Answer would present itself.

There is but one Answer! That Answer is, and always has been, and always will be: Love!
If you question Love; you question your Life Force.

There should never come a time in your life when you decide that you have finally learned it all and you know everthing there is to know! The person who thinks he knows it all hasn't even started to learn. He is but feeding his Ego!

Control your energies and apply them to your life, as you are living it now. If any situation in life can cause you to lose control and unleash a bolt of destructive energy, you are not ready to progress to a higher level.Every time you restrain a harmful thought and remind yourself that when you harm another you are harming yourself, you are making progress.

Remember! There is but one Power! One Power in the whole Universe! The Power of Love!

Every time you have a kind thought; a kind word to say, you are tapping into the power of Love! Every time you do a deed for another, you tap into the power of Love. Every selfless act! Every ounce of comfort you afford another! Every cheerful smile! Every warm embrace! You are tapping into the Power of Love!

However, every time you embrace an unkind thought; an unkind word; you are set apart from the Power of Love! You will feel, guilt and the act will rebound on you! It will indeed bite you on the Bum!

Seek the Power of Love! Remember: It is not WHAT you see, It's HOW you see it"

They laid Grandpapa Gnome at rest where he had rested most of his life; near the log surrounded by toadstools. His Outflow would be always be remembered!

