The Toronto Parish of the Gnostic Church of the Glorius Christ in Canada
Friday Feb. 14/2003
Welcome to the Toronto Parish of the GCGC in Canada. We are currently establishing a public ministry here in Toronto. We have been perfoming regular Mass for exactly two years. The vast majority of them have been private. We are currently looking for a parish that we can rent one day every week to perform public Mass. Keep watching this site for updates.
Our ceremonies are similar in style to the more ritualistic forms of Christianity such as the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Churches. Our Church is generally more liberal than any of these. For instance, there is no dogma in the Gnostic Church. Also, since the clergy works on a voluntary basis (unpaid), they generally hold other jobs.
Gnosticism transcends the normal religious boundries. Gnostic though resides within Chrisitanity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Hermeticism, Paganism and others. The symbolism we use in the Gnostic Church of the Glorius Christ is mainly from the Jewish and Christian systems, but there is a fair amount of syncretism.
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