Current Team
Leg 1-Gary The Gimp
Leg 2-Mountin-Man Brad
Leg 3-Iain Tri-Guy
Leg 4-Big Hairy Stef
Leg 5-Johnny Venture

Denise Ackerman             

Missing Iain Harry


t-shirt Front

t-shirt Back

The Official REGINA ROAD KILL Death Race team logo/shirt

The above is the front of the shirt the back will have the Course profile and Skull.

If you would like to order your limited edition Regina Death Race t-shirt the cost is 21.95 plus tax

T-shirts with 2 transfers (front and back) are Fruit of the Loom 100% cotton, and are available in S, M, 
L, and XL.

email Denise Ackerman to order yours.

We will be ordering shirts around the end of the week.



                   Rick,             Denise,      Stef,                   Brian,         Brad

So who is Brian you ask. Brian is the photographer for the leader post. He came and took our picture for the article they are going to run on the REGINA ROAD KILL. So I thought, why not take a picture of the guy that took our picture. 

Read the article & picture of the REGINA ROAD KILL in the Sunday SUN. (July 30)

REGINA ROAD KILL Pictures from the Death Race

Death Race Relay Results


Death race website


Why Death Race?

An adventure is rarely thrilling and exciting while it is happening, but rather a perilous calamity often with life and death a distinct possibility.  However, after the experience, with the passage of time, these situations ferment in our minds, the pain goes away but the memory lives vividly on.  It is these experiences that make the best stories, which are called adventures.  Therefore the definition of an adventure can be said to be adversity recalled in times of tranquility.  The nature of Death Racing is at the core of this concept . . .

Death Racing Defined

The sport of extreme racing is growing by leaps and bounds as individuals around the world challenge themselves to complete physically exhausting races and test their limits of endurance, mental toughness, and human spirit.  The term "death racing" was coined by racers exclaiming they were "dead tired" or "looked like death" as they competed.  Some even said racers were on a “death wish,” and some even claimed that they had “cheated death.”  The phrase caught on and now athletes refer to extreme endurance sporting events, affectionately, as "Death Racing".

And while many people can say they live to compete in sports, few of these individuals can say that they have found life while competing.  In a sense the phrase Death Racing, among extreme athletes, has come to mean, an event that inspires life and personal growth through hardship.  And so it is with the Canadian Death Race.  Hope to see you here in August.

   Next years dates

Canadian Death Run

August 4th, 2001;

August 3rd, 2002;

August 2nd, 2003.