God is Love
"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16
Whatever the need of the moment, the answer is to be found in scripture, if we take the time to search for it.  Whatever we're feeling, whatever we're suffering, whatever we're hoping, the Bible has something to say to us.  
This collection of Bible verses is meant for use as a handy reference when you need the Bible's guidance on a particular problem in your life.  It is in no way intended to replace regular Bible study or the use of a concordance for in-depth study of a subject.  There are many facets in your life and many topics in the Bible that are not covered here.
But if you are feeling extremely lonely one day, some of the Bible's wisdom and comfort is available to you here under the topic of Loneliness.  All topics are arranged alphabetically,  for ease of use.
All Scripture is from the New International Version of the Bible.
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       God Loves You
     Email:       goddanced@yahoo.com