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About Us

Sam is the chief setter of Go for it! Treasure Hunts, 
and is a versatile organiser who has more than 13 years of experience in treasure hunting. Sam's various talents stem from his long and varied exposure to different kinds of treasure hunts and similar contests.

As a treasure hunter, Sam has possibly won every major hunt held in the country. He was the winner of the 1st GoldQuest treasure hunt, back in 1995, with a prize of 3kg gold bars! 
He is also a five-time winner of the annual KL Kiwanis treasure hunt, possibly the oldest and most prestigious treasure hunt in the country.

Sam's flair for writing has also won him many slogan-writing contests. Along the way he has collected a car, a Sea-Doo, holiday trips and air tickets, TVs and home theatre systems, 
a personal computer, electrical items, handphones, etc. One thing he has not won, however, and one that he is hoping for, is a house!

As an organiser, Sam organises anything from company treasure hunts to family-day hunts, as well as large, full-scale public hunts of up to 600 participants. Needless to say, his treasure hunt experience, coupled with his background in media and advertising, and his eclectic creativeness, have added much entertainment value to each hunt that 
he organises.

Go for it!, and give us a call:

Mobile: +60 17 338 2389
Fax: +60 3 7781 7159

E-mail: gfihunts@tm.net.my

Visited: Counter

"Sam, thank you again for an exciting, mentally challenging and well-organised hunt.
Look forward to your next."

"You got kudos for the way you set your hunt questions and treasures. And we look
forward to your hunts next year to take part in, win or lose it doesn't matter. Best
wishes for your future endeavours and a very happy and prosperous new year."

"Overall, we learnt a few more things or two. At least this is one hunt that the regular
hunters are given a real challenge on time management and no one scored a perfect 10.
We wondered if it was a pre-hunt for Kiwanis Hunt seeing all the super regulars there.   
Nevertheless, it was mentally challenging, frustrating, argumentative but satisfying!" 

"Sam, you have endeared yourself to the Gujarati community in KL. Perhaps we should
give you a Gujarati name: SAMeer/ SHAMMI!! This particular 'first' would be cherished
for years to come. Many who didn't participate regretted! There are already suggestions
pouring in where the next hunt should head to, east coast/north etc. Sam, on behalf of
the Guju community please accept our deepest appreciation for your efforts - the
presentation night was superb!"