Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate and Kobujutsu is one of the two original styles of Karate Jutsu originating from the generic title of Tote meaning Chinese hand  then Naha Te  being the city of origion and then Karate again meaning Chinese hand  or in Japanese Budo " empty hand"
Miyagi and the Goju hiarachry under the Japanese structure were required to rename the system and coined the title Goju Ryu.
This was created to come in line with the requirements of the Japanese goverment.

Shuri Te was the other system from which stemmed many of the Budo systems. Funakoshi being the most noted with his system which he termed Shotokan meaning Shoto's Hall type of Karate. From this sprang Wado Ryu, Taekwando and many of the thousand of eclectic formats practised throughout the world" but remember these are Martial ways not Martial Arts"

Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate Jutsu is not only famous for its tough style and training but is famed for its breathing techniques and in particular the Sanshin and Tensho kata's.
Okinawa Goju Ryu is perhaps the only original style of Okinawa Karate Jutsu still taught, however there are Budo versions which teach a sporting aspect and should not be confused with the Jutsu form.

Karate Kid films are based on Okinawa Goju Ryu as are the Turtles based on Okinawa Kobujutsu