Welcome to the Gold Coast Philharmonic Society Inc.
Gold Coast Philharmonic Orchestra
Mark Turpin - Guest Conductor - 2002
Hank Waalkens - President-2002
The Gold Coast Philharmonic Society Inc.
has an established

Gold Coast Philharmonic Orchestra

and recently established a

Gold Coast Philharmonic Concert Band.

The Gold Coast Philharmonic Society Inc. draws its members from the local community on the Gold Coast in South East Queensland.

The playing members of the
orchestra are either amateur, semi-professional or professional instrumentalists.

The playing members of the
concert band are either amateur or mature age student musicians.

Management Committee - 2002

President - Hank Waalkens
Vice President - Gordon Singh
Secretary - Lyn Anderson
Treasurer - Murray Hartman
Asst. Treasurer - Sylvia Evans
Publicity Officer - Pam Lowry
Concert Band Rep. - Dorothy Singh
Orchestra Rep. - Barbara Gardner
The Gold Coast Philharmonic Orchestra

The Gold Coast Philharmonic Orchestra's vision is to be:


Orchestra rehearsals are on every Thursday evening at the Gold Coast Youth Orchestra building in Community Drive, Ashmore.
Mark Turpin is currently the Philharmonic Orchestra's guest conductor.

Gold Coast Philharmonic Concert Band

Members of the Concert Band are amateur musicians on their instument, who aim to improve musically and enjoy the friendship of persons with similar interests.
Paul Eotvos conducts the Concert Band.

The concert band rehearses on Wednesday evenings at the Gold Coast Youth Orchestra building in Community Drive, Ashmore.

Additional information can be obtained by emailing the webmaster through the email listed.

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Orchestra Strings
Orchestra Percussion
Orchestra Winds
Orchestra Brass
Concert Band