Disclaimer: Pokemon and co. doesn't belong to me . . . . blah blah blah . .

Authors Notes: Here I am again and all ready for season 2 of this fic for
the few of you that'll probably come banging on my door to demand I
finish this already.
As usual, Feedback would be greatly appreciated!  And so would
suggestions for the final chapter of my fic Forever.  I kinda got writers
block on that one.

Ketchum: The Journey Continues
Season 2

Indigo Island Needs The Pokemon Piper!
Chapter 14

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I woke up when I got kicked in the gut.  Growling I looked around but
everyone was still asleep.
Whimpering sounds brought my attention to Raptor.  He was kicking out
in an obvious nightmare.
*Hey Raptor . . .* Suddenly I winced, something was invading my mind,
demanding my loyalty to it.
Raptor jerked awake, a pained look on his face.  He was fighting it too.
When I looked out the window my jaw dropped, hundreds of pokemon
were marching down the street.  But I didn't see any Ghost types . . .
My eyes widened and I jumped out the window.
*Rare Beauty!  Tochi!  Pippi!  Where are you going?!  What's
happening?* They ignored me and kept going.  I saw all of Satoshi's and
Musashi's pokemon walking with the rest of them.  Raptor, Makaar and I
tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen.
Nidorina looked at me and I stepped back in shock, I've never seen such
a look of evil on her face!  She's usually so gentle!
*It seems we can not handle this alone.  We must wake Satoshi.* We
nodded in agreement to Makaar's statement and ran inside.  I was still
trying to fight off the voice in my head.
<*Father wake up!  Father*>
"Raptor?  Wht tme issit?"
*It's five am, but there's an emergency!  All the pokemon on the Island
have totally lost it!  Even yours and Musashi's!*
That woke him up.
I grimaced, the voice in my head was louder and more insistent, I didn't
know how long I'd be able to resist it.
Seeing the trouble I was having Makaar began explaining what we had
seen a few moments earlier.
Satoshi blinked.
"Team Rocket, it's gotta be."  He suddenly said.
The three of us blinked at this statement.
*How are you so sure?* I asked.
"Years ago, when mom and dad were travelling through the Orange
Islands they stopped at this one island, I can't remember the name.  Once
they got on the dock . . . Pikachu turned against dad, Meowth turned
against Jessie and James."
My eyes widened, even with her Oath something had made her turn
against Satoshi's father?!
"With the help of a Ghastly who wasn't affected they tracked down the
hide out where all the pokemon were going.  Butch and Cassidy, two
Rockets were using a Drowzee to control the minds of all the pokemon in
the vicinity.  But for all the pokemon on the Island to be affected like this
. . . there must be several Drowzees."
By this time Musashi and Julie had woken up, Raptor told them what was
going on.
"We should go to the police station and report this!"  Julie exclaimed.
Satoshi shook his head.
"No good, I'd wager that half the trainers on the Island are there now."
I sighed, what were we going to do?

~~~~~~Satoshi's POV~~~~~~

"Well, what are we going to do?"  Musashi asked as she sipped a cup of
"We need to find out where the Rockets base is.  We do that and we find
the Drowzees."  Julie said.
"Then we have to faint the Drowzees or destroy the machine being used
to amplify their powers."
I sighed.
We were silent for a while, trying to figure out what to do.
(Take control of the Drowzees.)  Inferno suddenly said.  Musashi and I
blinked and looked at him.
"How?"  Musashi asked.
Inferno grinned as he rummaged through my bag, what was he doing? 
He laughed in triumph as he pulled out something.
I wasn't sure it would work, but it was the best plan we had so far!

It had taken a lot of convincing, but Inferno agreed to stop fighting the
hypnotic waves and lead us right to the Rockets base.  But we had to
follow at a safe distance.
Makaar, Raptor and Julie's Haunter were with us to provide backup.  So
was Inferno's friend Leila with her Gengars and two Haunters.  We had
told her our plan and that we'd need the pokemon to handle the
controlled ones while we tried our plan, if it failed we had a plan B.
Truth be told I had totally freaked out when Inferno let himself fall victim
to the waves, the way his eyes had glowed red . . .  I shuddered.
(What are you doing?)
We all jumped at the voice and whirled.  My eyes widened, it was the
Warrior of Ghost!
"Team Rocket's taken control of almost all the pokemon on the island
using Drowzees, we're going to stop them."  I paused.  "Please Warrior,
will you help us?  Ghosts are the only ones not effected.  And Raptor isn't
either.  But everyone else is!"
"Warrior?!"  Julie, Leila and Musashi exclaimed.
(Of course I will help you.)
I smiled.
"Thank you Warrior, I'll be eternally grateful."
She smiled.
Just then the sun peeked over the horizon and we continued to shadow
(Perhaps I may be of assistance?)  A new voice asked.  There stood an
Alakazam beside the Warrior of Ghost.
"Sure."  I smiled.  "Thank you Warrior of Psychic."
This was great!  We had the help of two Warriors now!  Surely we'd get
our pokemon back now!
We followed Inferno for another five minutes before he stopped in front
of a radio station and went in a trap door at the side of the building. 
Once he was in we were wary, there was a camera right above it.
"We need a distraction!"  Leila said.  "Haunter, turn invisible and go
down.  Then cause as much havoc as you can."
(Right Leila.)  It nodded and went down, we waited and heard a small
"That's our cue!  Let's go!"  I hissed as I opened the door and ran down.

We stopped at the end of the tunnel, Haunter returned to Leila.
"Drowzees, get the pokemon to attack them!"  Another Rocket shouted.
"Scatter!  Makaar, Raptor cover me!  Warriors, cover Musashi, Leila and
Julie!"  I said as I darted from the group and ran along the wall.
Damn!  With all this noise the plan won't work!
Wait, that's a microphone.  And it's hooked up to a huge amp!  What
luck!  I hid behind the amp and cranked up the volume then I turned it
and the microphone on.
I pulled out my clarinet and relaxed, focussing on the Drowzees.  The
tune would come to me.
Then I began to play.
Over the din the Drowzees paused, that's all I needed!  I had their
attention now!  I continued to play, suddenly their hold on the pokemon
was released as all seven of them began swaying to the music.
"Drowzees!  What are you doing?!  Attack!"  A Rocket shouted.  Then
the realisation that I was the cause of their disobedience spawned on her
face.  Quickly I altered the tune and the Drowzees began to use Hypnosis
on the Rockets.  I fought the sleep that threatened to overcome me.
"Listen everyone!  We'll take you back to your trainers!  Follow us!" 
Musashi shouted.  The Rockets were fast asleep.  I altered the tune one
more time, the Drowzees all went to their pokeballs and recalled
themselves.  I stopped and slumped to my knees, I had been right behind
the Rockets and Hypnosis has gotten me too.  I dropped my clarinet and
slipped into dreamland.

~~~~~~Inferno's POV~~~~~~

I shook my head to clear it.  Where was I?
I heard Satoshi playing, the plan had worked!  The Drowzees recalled
themselves and Satoshi stopped playing.
He fell almost bonelessly to the ground and began to snore softly. 
Realising he'd been caught by the Hypnosis that put all the Rockets to
sleep I ambled over and picked him up, carefully cradling him in my arms
as he's done for me when I was Charmander and Charmeleon.
*Tochi, Chewy, Candy, Blastoise, Nidorina, Nidorino, carry the sad
excuses for humans to the police station.  Musashi, I'm taking Satoshi
back to the house to let him sleep in.  He doesn't have a battle today.*
Putting his clarinet onto his stomach I carried him to the surface and took
to the air, searching for the house since I had no idea were I had been.

From the air I saw the bookstore and beelined for it, I could make my
way home from there.
When I approached the house I saw all the reporters and groaned, how
was I going to get inside?
"Look!  It's Mr. Ketchum's Charizard!"
"And it has Mr. Ketchum with it!"
I looked at the onrush of reporters and glowered, I had no time for these
To show them my current displeasure I skimmed their heads with my
Flamethrower.  Most of them stopped, but a few others continued. 
Sighing at their unbelievable idiocy I snorted several balls of fire, totally
roasting their cameras.  They finally got the hint and stepped aside,
allowing me to pass through.

Once inside I locked the door and put Satoshi on the bed.  There was a
knock at the door, I growled and opened it with an angry roar to scare off
those busy-bodies.
"Ahem."  He coughed, I blinked and actually looked at the visitor.  He
didn't have a camera and had three pokeballs on his belt.
*Sorry, the reporters have been harassing us a lot lately.  Come in.* I
"Understandable.  It's no wonder you reacted the way you did.  May I
please speak to Satoshi Ketchum?  My name is Richie."
*He's asleep, we had a rough morning.*  
Richie nodded.
"So I've heard."
I raised an eyebrow, what exactly had he heard?
*Why do you want to talk to Satoshi?  And about what?*
<*Inferno,*> Raptor yawned as he teleported in with Banshee and
everyone's pokeballs. <*Where's father?*>
*Still sleeping.  Go join him.*
<*Kay.  Hello and goodbye human I don't know.*> He yawned again as
he walked into the bedroom.
*I apologize for his rudeness, he's pretty tired.*
"No problem.  You wouldn't mind if I let out my pokemon would you?"
*Not at all.*
"Go Zippo, Sparky and Happy!"  Out came a Charizard, Raichu and a
I blinked when I looked Zippo, she had three nasty looking scars running
from her left shoulder to the right side of her stomach.
*Sister.* I nodded.
*If you don't mind me asking. . .* I gestured toward her scar.
*I don't mind.  I had an encounter with the Warrior of Fire.  He startled
me because we recognized each other.  I scarred his face.*
*So you're the one who did that!  I had wondered but when I asked him
about it he wouldn't talk.*
"You've met the Warrior of Fire?!"
*Yeah, he's a nice guy.  I'm honoured to know him.* I paused, I'd been
awful rude.  I didn't even offer him a drink. *Would you like something
to drink or eat?*
"No thanks."
I shrugged and sat down, being careful of my sore tail.
"I've been watching your trainer's battles, he reminds me of his father. 
Except Charizard didn't listen to him at the time."  He smiled wryly.
*He eventually earned his respect.*
"True."  Richie nodded.
As Candy passed the table I bopped her on the head.  She sighed and put
the lollipop back where she found it.
Richie blinked.
*Satoshi's rather strict about us eating candy.*
He nodded.
We chatted for awhile, just about the League and things like that.

I waved good bye when he left and shut the door.  Satoshi chose that
moment to walk in.
"Who was at the door?"
*A trainer named Richie.*
It was left at that.

    Source: geocities.com/golden_ramoth_99