Tattoo Artist
Experienced Artist looking for a high volume quality shop, will consider locations in and out of US based on the position potential and income...  Below you will read my Professional infomation...
10 Year Work Hisory
Present location:
VA Beach, VA
(757)692-TATT or (757)) 692-8288
I apply my unique skills and creative thinking, graphics skills, knowledge, and techniques to produce quality tattoos.  I work independently from customers concepts, or create original ideas, tattoo flash, to produce illustrations, graphic elements, and custom tattoo flash.
Tattoo Styles:
Traditional and fine line detail or tribal styles, have added new wave style with a combination of fine line to my talent ability... in addition I use color blending with high light shading style.
Job Skills: Qualifications:
20 years or equivalent tattooing and art experience. High Artistic/Graphic Art ability. A photo tattoo portfolio. Past shop and customer references that can be verified. Demonstrated ability to handle a high volume of assignments with a high degree of accuracy.
Licensed Tattoo Artist, with training in Blood Born Pathogen / Cross Contamination, Sterilization and Sanitation,  Certifications: Red Cross; Adult CPR, First Aid, and Preventing Disease Transmisson....
Additional Comments:
Own tattoo equipment (tattoo machines and extras) I pride Myself on Quality Art and Customer Service,  treatment of the customers comes first.
Final Comment:
I am drug and alcohol free, I have a very good work ethic and work well with customers and co-workers...
Contact Info:
Phone: (758)692-TATT or (757)692-8288
E: Mail: GoldenDragonLv@aol.com