Course Designer Links Course Download Links Silverleaf's Shadow Tutorial for Paint Shop Pro 7 PGA 2000 Course Designer Checklist
Silverleaf's Ratings System - UNDER CONSTRUCTION PGA 2000 Mini-Tutorials : Set 1 PGA 2000 Mini-Tutorials : Set 2 PGA 2000 Mini-Tutorials : Set 3

UPDATED: 3-11-2001

( NEW NEWS ) : After a hard drive crash, I've had to start over on my designs, so I'll hold off on updates for the time being.

LAST UPDATE: 2-01-2001

( OLD NEWS ) : Harmony Ridge Country Club is available at the Copyright Club. I have also halted work on Portmarnock Golf Club, as I'm awaiting an elevation map that will give me the information that I require to finish it properly. I'm also working on a set of real course renditions of a club that has two wonderful courses. I'll keep this one under my hat for the time being. I've just posted a Shadow Tutorial for Paint Shop Pro 7. This is for use with the PGA 2000 designer, and helps to create proper shadows for objects within the game. I have also uploaded the PGA 2000 Mini-Tutorials on a seperate page here. You can find them on the links buttons at the top of this page.

Silverleaf Production and Design creates golf courses for use with the PGA Championship series of computer golf games by Sierra Sports.
My philosophy in course design trys to follow the design techniques used on great courses such as St.Andrews, TPC at Sawgrass, Muirfield Village, Augusta National, and Pebble Beach. I have always enjoyed the game of golf, and my passion to build a course of my design has helped to inspire and keep the fires burning


The references to PGA 2000 are to a series of golf simulations liscensed to Sierra Sports and Headgate Studios. All courses described and pictured at this site are copyrighted by Silverleaf Production & Design and R.S. Barker. If a reference is made to a specific design, that course itself is copyrighted by the designated author. All rights reserved.