After the "planned" and "staged" events of September 11th, I contemplated for some time and began to write down the thoughts and questions that I formulated concerning the "day of infamy." I decided to update my Web site with information (both facts and speculation that could be true) regarding the events of September 11, 2001.

A lot of the information on this page was written in 2001, however, I have decided to leave the page AS-IS with very few changes because many of my questions and comments, news articles, de-classified documents, quotes and Web sites that are included are still critical to understanding 09/11 and its continuum. I am still searching for the TRUTH that our government and media have continually left out.

"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear-kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor-with the cry of grave national emergency.   Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it..."

- Generall Douglas MacArthur, 1957


Terrorisme is French for terrorism, and before September 11th, it (terrorism) was put covertly (and subconsciously) into the minds of the U.S. population through movies made by Hollywood and past murders of U.S. civilians (collateral damage) in the U.S. and abroad, which were labled as "terrorist" attacks. And now the words "terrorism" and "terrorists" are on the minds and tongues of many in this country (the U.S.) as well as our government's bribed, threatened, in-cahoots allies.

After September 11th, there were reports of "bio-terrorism" and the current regime acted on its own and decided to crack down on "terrorism" through what they have called the "War on Terrorism." But what is "terrorism" and what is a "terrorist?" From my understanding there is not a concrete and agreed upon definition of terrorism within the U.S. government (as of December 11, 2002). However, in 2001, I was that terrorism is the act of putting fear into others by a person or group of people, but I am not aware of the source for the definition.

If the preceding is an accurate definition of terrorism, then how many departments/agencies within the United States, especially those within the local, state, and federal governments would be considered "terrorists" by this definition? That is a question to ponder as Bush "vows to root the world of 'terrorists," don't you think so??

Nonetheless, Webster's Dictionary gives a similar definition of "terrorism:"

: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

And it defines "terror" as

1 : a state of intense fear

2 a : one that inspires fear : SCOURGE

b : a frightening aspect

c : a cause of anxiety : WORRY


4 : violence (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands

The FBI gives says that terrorism is "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives," which was obtained

"Scerrorism" Future "Terrorists" The War on Terrorism Freedom


"Scerrorism: Terrorism of a population by the media, carried out by reporting acts of terror that might happen but never actually do."

- Bonny Stilwell

Over the past year, the media and government have continued to keep US in fear with "terrorist" attacks on US in various cities and through different means, but from my knowledge, NOTHING has yet happened, however, they are still using pyschology and other means to keep US in fear, but why? What does the government and the media gain from keeping US in fear? How do corporations (gas stations, grocery stores, etc.) benefit from US constantly being in fear? Is what our media and the government currently doing similar to the story of "Peter and the Wolf?" What was the moral of the story? What can we learn from this story as we continue to experience "scerrorism" from the media and our government, which has the responsibility of protecting US.

An ABC's May, 2001 story exposed released documents that showed the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff actually planned domestic terrorism to whip Americans into a pro-war frenzy. This was in the 60's but it shows that the highest echelons of our govt. have actually considered terrorizing their own people for political gain. Click here for the story. Is there a relationship between the planned domestic acts of terrorism against U.S. citizens and The Proper Crisis?

Below you will find links on terrorism and experimentation done to U.S. citizens by the U.S. government:

Terrorism & Experimentation on U.S. Citizens (and often times on "U.S. soil") by the U.S. government
What Is Black Wallstreet Black wall street: A Dream Lost Pt.1 Black wall street Pt. 2: A Black Holocaust in America
The American Holocaust USA Biological Warfare On Its Citizens Germ War: The US Record Secret Biological Experiments
"Military Intelligence?" Bioweapons Internet Resources on The Tuskegee Study The History of the Development of AIDS, Chapter Excerpt from State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.
Current Issues - Project SHAD DoD News: DoD Releases Project SHAD Fact Sheets Captain Joyce Riley: Gulf War Syndrome "Metal of Dishonor: Depleted Uranium Weapons: How the Pentagon Radiates Soldiers and Civilians with DU Weapons" Selections compiled and edited by the Depleted Uranium Education Project
Germ Warfare Against America Part: IVa - The U.S. Government Cover-Up Of The Gulf War Plague The National Security Archive-ACHRE Panel Report: Human Radiation Experiments The COINTELPRO PAPERS - Chapter 4: Puerto Rican Independence Movement
Human Radiation Experiments Associated with the U.S. Department of Energy and Its Predecessors US Air Force involved in radiation experiments on Inuits The Untold Story: Native American Nuclear Guinea Pigs


The media has told US time and time again that the planes crashing on September 11, 2001 were the result of terrorism, but there are still many unanswered questions, right? Or have the media and the government found concrete evidence that points to terrorism and Osama Bin Laden? In order to answer the above questions, U.S. foreign policy, our covert and overt operations (wars, coups & assassinations, invasions, business relationships, etc.), and aid (intelligence, financial, dual use technology, WMD given to foreign governments and regimes need to be researched, and the connection between our government and Afghanistan. We also need to ask and answer questions concerning the past and present U.S. foreign policy towards the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Central/Latin America.

What is the past relationship between the Taleban and the U.S. government? When did the U.S. first fight a war on Afghanistan's soil? Was the U.S. there fighting during the late 1970's and early 1980's? Or is it that you DON'T KNOW what "your" government does?

I am sure that I am not the only person who has general and specific questions concerning the 09/11 continuum and the "blame-game" that the FBI and CIA have played (and still are playing), and since this is the case, we cannot blindly and foolishly believe the media and our government (both of which have been caught in scandals and lies in the past), we have to use our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution to question our elected (and unelected - Bush) officials to make informed decisions. In doing so, it is imperative that you read the information within the 09/11 Investigation.

In questioning September 11, we cannot be foolish enough to believe that money was not made and that no entity or person made money from the attacks. We should think logically and rationally about what we are told and hear about the attacks, as many are still profitting today from the attacks. If you don't believe that money was made, check out stock holders that benefited from the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) and the others that have benefitted from the "09/11 Continuum."

Have you seen The Siege, if so, doesn't isn't it eerie that there are many similarities between the movie and what is now called "September 11th?" Did you notice the similarities between the speech that was made in the movie by the President and the speech that Bush gave? Or is it just a coincidence?

BIG OIL and TERRORISTS Chronology of American State Terrorism Francis Boyle: The Illegalities of Bush's War on Afghanistan Virtual Reality Say what you want, but this war is illegal by Michael Mandel AllPolitics - The Money Trail - Oct. 7, 1997

"Terrorisme" Future "Terrorists" The War on Terrorism Freedom

Future (and Past/Present) "Terrorists"

Our "public servants"--who tend to act less like servants and more like masters--and the media are continuing their past propaganda campaign with hopes to continue their lies in order to make their pockets bigger. However, since there are people in the U.S. and the world that will fight as "patriots" to protect US and the rest of the world from our government, our government will find a way to

those people that are seeking or currently know the truth!

I think that soon, the "corporament" (government + corporations) will begin to call the following people "terrorists:"

Check out the links below so you can be aware of what has gone on and will continue to go on, unless we CHANGE our government, and then put an end to the inhumanity and insanity concerning the treatment of U.S. citizens and others, especially those that have been branded as "terrorists."

CIA can kill Americans in al-Qaida / Front Page -The Olympian A CIA Target at Home in America
Telegraph | News | Congress may lift ban on CIA assassinations House Bill Proposes Lifting Ban On Assassinations
Bush Gives Green Light to CIA for Assassination of Named Terrorists Telegraph | News | CIA gets £700m licence to kill
After Sept. 11, CIA Becomes A Growing Force on Campus DANIEL GOLDEN - Wall Street Journal - 4 Oct 02 - Shackles loosened on U.S. intelligence
Marine brigade reactivated, in training for terrorism role Coalition demands info on detainees in terror probe
Judge orders U.S. to release names of terror detainees Questions swirl around men held in terror probe
Justice records on terror crime are overstated Secret Detentions During September 11 Investigation, November 20, 2001
"FBI Taps Campus Police in Anti-Terror Operations
Student, Faculty Groups Fear a Return of Spying Abuses Against Activists, Foreign Nationals" - US Mounts Frame-Up Of Palestinian Activists
disinformation | us terrorist attacks the best enemies money can buy NATO to deploy AWACS in U.S.

20th Century Wars

War Stated Cause Real Cause & Prior U.S. Invovlement
World War I Sinking of the Lusitania Controversy surrounds the sinking
World War II Attack on Pearl Harbor (military base) A Strategic 8 Step Plan provoked Japan into attacking the United States
Korean War North Korea invaded South Korea
Vietnam War Gulf of Tonkin Pentagon Papers-Gulf of Tonkin Never Happened
Gulf (Desert) War "Kuwait" was invaded by "Iraq" "Iraq" Did Not Invade "Kuwait"

We have to look into the questions surrounding the actions of our government's agencies, especially the "intelligence" agencies to find out the TRUTH.

Have there been plans in the past to attack and go to war in Afghanistan? If so, does this mean that there was compliance between the U.S. military (and other agencies) and the conspirators of the events that took place on September 11th? If this is the case, then can we continue to allow our government to go about in its present state without making changes??

Why is a war being fought again on foreign soil? What do we, the people of the United States, hope to gain? Is there anyway that we can justify morally or conscientously this new war? Are we proud of people who had nothing to do with 09/11 being MURDERED because of flimsy (circumstancial) evidence that could not stand up in an U.S. or international court of law? Will this war bring about justice? If not, then why is it being fought?

Are the actions of our government and therefore US hypocritical? How can we (through the Department of Defense War) attack, bomb, and invade countries every week of the year and not expect any retaliation? If there is retaliation, then does our government have the right act like "victims?" Who are the "real" victims? What is the true tragedy: the thousand(s) that lost their lives in the U.S. or the 300+ million that have been lied to since September 11th (well, really since the beginning of this country's existence)?

Were the attacks "friendly fire"? Did the U.S. government use the same tactics when they wanted to go to war with Cuba (.pdf file)? Or was this a joint military operation between the U.S. and Israel's Mossad?

"Terrorisme" "Scerrorisme" The War on Terrorism Freedom

The War on Terrorism

What does the U.S. government and corporate "America" ( corporament) hope to gain because of this war and/or from the Taliban (Taleban) becoming powerless? Are there "illegal" drugs, oil, gold and other natural resources in the region? Is the U.S. "corporament" seeking to increase its stronghold in the international drug trade and to gain capital off of the world's supply of natural resources?

Or has the "corporament" "turned over a new leaf" and now wants to show its humanitarian side by helping the people of Afghanistan? However, if this is the case, then why has the heroin production in Afghanistan gone up and what about the "girls being sold for kg of wheat?" Why did they/we wait until the Taliban (Taleban) gained control of so much of the country before finally deciding to "free" and "liberate" the people of Afghanistan? Why were over 20, 000 civilians murdered during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan if the purpose was to help? why were cluster bombs and food packets used?

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government."

- Thomas PPaine

If you think that the "War on Terrorism" will end in Afghanistan, then you are wrong as it seems that our government has plans to bomb and invade other countries. Yet who will die during the bombings and invasions...civilians ("collateral damage"). Can you sit back and let this happen? If so, then are you being hypocritical? Are we not a country full of "compassionate" people?

For those who believe that the plane crashes at the World Trade Center--I am not convinced that the Pentagon was hit bit an airplane--were attacks on the "freedom(s)" that we think we have or are told we have, think again. If this was the case, then why wasn't the Statute of Liberty, Liberty Hall, our courts, Lincoln's Memorial, etc. attacked? Are these not symbolisms of our "freedom?" What symbolism does the WTC and Pentagon represent outside of the U.S. and within the U.S.? Are they symbols of capitalism (greed, arrogance, materialism & money, exploitation, destruction of the environment--air, land, and water, annihilation of other cultures, and globalization) and militarism (terrorism, fear, threats, force, aggression, murder, and violence)?

Why would the leaders of a country be "jealous" of our "freedoms" and attack the U.S. because of their jealousy? If you are the leader of a country, would you not have unlimited (or close to it) freedom? If so, then that can not be a reason for the "attacks" on the United States? So what does this mean, have we been lied to again by the media and our government? Why have they lied again, what do they have to gain?

Do we KNOW what OUR government and corporations are doing abroad in our names? Do we agree with what they are doing on a moral, ethical, spiritual, and "human" level? Doesn't our government (military, CIA, FBI, SOA graduates, NSA, NRA, NASA, etc.) and our corporations have a responsibility to let US know what they are doing and why? If not, then we need to change this.

Whose blood from the past and present is on our hands because of our "corporament"? Do they not represent "America?" Following the illegal and unjustified attack on Afghanistan citizens, what will happen next? How will the children feel once they grow older, if they have were not killed by cluster bombs, land mines, or U.S. bombs that began dropping on September 11, 2001? Will they feel happy about the United States invading their country and uprooting and/or destroying their culture? How will the adults feel? Are the bombings acts of humanity or Crimes Against Humanity?

"Terrorisme" "Scerrorisme" Future "Terrorists" Freedom


"A man is either free or is not. There cannot be an apprenticeship for freedom."

- Amiri Baraka, Poet and writer

Freedom is defined by Webster's Dictonary as

1 : the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action

b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : INDEPENDENCE

c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous

FREEDOM has a broad range of application from total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered or frustrated .

An earlier edition of The World Book Encyclopdeia[1] states the following:

"For people to have complete freedom, there must be no restrictions on how they think, speak, or act. They must be aware of what their choics are, and they must have the power to decide among those choices. They must also have the means and the opportunity to think, speak, and act without being controlled by anyone else."

Aren't we coerced by the media (in what to buy, who to buy it from, etc.), the government (who to vote for, who to support, if you don't support "war" you are not being "patriotic," etc.), society, and our educational institutions? So are we FREE?

The Free State Project - Liberty in Our Lifetime!"
Strike The Root - a journal of liberty

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

- Benjammmmin Franklin, 1759

"Terrorisme" "Scerrorisme" Future "Terrorists"

[09/11/01]                              [Bombs]                              [U.S. Foreign Policy]                              [Casa]                              [Top]


  1. The World Book Encyclopedia. Volume 7: F. World Book, Inc., Chicago, 1984. pg. 428, critically reviewed by William C. Havard.