S.O.S - HTML Help!

Lots of people starting out new sites like to use easy HTML providers, like Tripod!! I personally used the easy way for quite some time before I actually got the hang on HTML. I will admit it can be a tad daunting, but, if you think about it, HTML all becomes quite simple - honest!


Firstly, to begin with you'd prolly like to know how to get the basics,
You will be given a spot on your page where all your HTML is to be placed. At the very top of this space, you need to begin your page with the following codes, colours, headings, fonts and a title. The title will not appear on screen but in the bottom left hand corner to describe the page. The header will be the main heading ON the actual page and the colours and fonts..are, well, the colours and fonts!


To start with, you will need the below colour HTML,

BODY BGCOLOR is the colour of your background. TEXT, is obviously your text colour and LINK and V(Visited)LINK are your hyperlinks such as this. The ??????'s are the spots which your colour codes are placed. With HTML, you have to enter codes rather then colours, although words such as red, blue, pink, black, white, green & yellow are also recognised by HTML as codes. To find out what colour goes with what code, visit this site OR use the below HEX coder. To define a colour, click;

Now all you need do is replace the #??????'s in the code to change the colours.


The header defines what will appear on the on the task bar about you page. Below is how the Header Title and Colours come together,


Much like titles in a book, homepage headings stand out! To do them is rather easy once you know the following HTML,

Ofcourse, where it says 'align', you write where you want your heading aligned - right, left or center? Remember to spell them correctly! There are also differant sizes of headings, ranging from '1' onwards! '1' being the biggest, and.. around "1293746463" being the smallest. So, it's up to you to change that to suit your page.


So, now you have to wonder, how does the text get onto actual page and how do you change the styles, sizes, etc? Well, lets begin! To start with, you need to decide where your text is going to appear? Left, right, or center? Then, what size do you want? Add them together and, walla,

The above sized text is standard, however, you may choose to make it larger in the space provided for sizing - '+3' would be big, and '-3' would be tiny! Do not forget to always close off the brackets or they won't work. For extra touch you may like to create italics, bold, strike-out, super, underline or typewritting text simply by ading,


To create images you will need to upload them into your homepage server. Most homepage Editors will have a system that helps you with this. Once you have uploaded an image, for example, you need to find out what the pictures URL (http://www.) is. For example, if the image you uploaded was titled 'this.gif' and your homepage adress was http://www.me.com then your images address will be "http://www.me.com/this.gif" Now, you need to add that URL to the code shown below,

The added 'Border' 'Height' and 'Width' codes indicate basically what they say! The picture's width, height and weather or not you would like a border. If you would, type the colour code for it, and if not type a zero. It also makes the image load quicker. The 'alt' attribute means that when you scroll over the image, the description given in the alt altribute of your code will appear.


There are two main types of links; e-mail links, and URL links! E-mail links let a person veiwing your page click on your name and be able to send you an e-mail from there. Like so,

The above HTML will let people email you, just like you can email0 me! All you need do it change the name and email address. Next is the URL Code. This creates a link from the text to a given URL, (Another page). Below is the HTML needed,

Simply type in the homepage addy in the space provided, followed by the name of that Homepage, as above! The result, Gwennies Adoption Clinic The 'target=_blank" is an optional code which opens up the new page in a new exlporer window.
Have you got any other questions about HTML I haven't yet added to this page? Then send me a line Ofcourse, another way would be to simply hire someone to do all this for you - but that wouldn't be as much fun now would it? Remember that HTML is a recognised code - writting jibberish simply won't work! You need to tell you HTML Editor what it is you want done in HTML language b'cos it can't read your mind. The easiest way to do that is by using HTML!
Don't forget to start and end your page with
and start with basic things - NOT frames, or you'll just get yourself lost!

*.Main.* StorY!* AdoptioN* gRoOvY-Tv!!* GrOoVy GoObErS* ShAmRoCk!* S.O.S!* BuDdY* Thê IntërÑêt* A Poem.* About Me.* Cliques'* Cyber-Pets!* ThanX!* Webrings.* ScrapBook* Friends* Journal* Aidan* That Thing You Do* Weasel&Gwen* Bombettes* G'Gwen Award* Dancing* ..habitat..*

© Gwennie. 1999

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