Beginner Moves
Kamehameha-Does 2500 Damage. 15,000 MG  Takes 5 days

Galic Gun-Does 2500 Damage. 15,000 MG Takes 6 days

Masenko-Does 2570 Damage. 16,000 MG Takes 6 days

Fireball-Does 3250 Damage. 18,000 MG Takes 3 days

Dragon Fist- Does 3250 Damage. 17,500 MG. Takes 5 days

Doom Squeeze-Does 3500 Damage. 20,000 MG. Takes 7 days

Energy Blast
-Does 2350 Damage. 13,500 MG Takes. Takes 4 days

Terra Ball
- Does 2500 Damage. 14,000 MG. Takes 5 days

Fireball-Does 3250 Damage.17,000 MG. Takes 4 days.

Solar Flare - Blinds Opponent for 2 rounds. 20,000 MG. Takes 11 days.

Eye Beam - Does 3,000 Damage. 16,500 MG. Takes 3 days.
Advanced Moves
Bakuhatsha - First time use in battle stuns the opponent for one turn. Second use causes 4500 damage. When stunning opponent uses 30,000 MG. Second use uses 25,000 Mg Takes 10 days

Big Bang Attack - Does 4570 Damage. 30,000 MG. Takes 13 days

Time Freeze - Freezes opponent for 3 turns. You may Attack 3 turns in a row. 30,000 MG. Takes 16 days to learn.

Final Flash - 10,000 Damage. Uses 40,000 MG. Takes 26 days

Destructo Disk - 10,000 Damage. Uses 36,000 MG. If opponent has Speed 15000 or less, that opponent dies. Takes 14 days

Kakusanha - 5500 damage. Uses 31,000 MG. Takes 15 days

Self Destruct - Kills opponent along with yourself. Takes 48,000 MG. Only able to use this when PL 20,000 or less.

Body Change - Switches Bodies with the opponent and adds 25% of his pl to yours, only for the battle. Uses 55,000 MG. Takes 20 days to learn.

- Does 7,000 damage. Uses 34,000 MG. Takes 17 days.

Special Beam Cannon - Does 7,800 damage. Uses 35,700 MG. Takes 18 days.

Chou Kamehameha - Better known as, Ultimate Kamehameha. Does 10,300 Damage. Uses 42,000 MG. Takes 27 days.

Renzoku Energy Dan - Does 7500 1st(35,000 MG), 4500 2nd(28,000), and 1500(11,000) for the last time.So, in ex. I do a total of 13500+AP from Renzoku Energy Dan, from my choosing(taking 74,000 MG). Then again, I could just do one R.E.D(7500) or 2(7500 & 4500) and this is a one turn attack.Takes 30 days
Hide Energy- Allows fighter using the skill to lower his energy signal to that which would be shrugged off by others as a mere small animal. Useful when not wanting a confrontation between a rival or would be harm doer. Could also be used to lull foe into false sense of overconfidence.

Lower Energy-  Allows fighter to lower his current energy for various purposes. perhaps sparring a weaker opponent etc.

Sense Ki-  Allows fighter to Sense the intensity of a fellow fighters ki. Fighters especially talented in this area can even sense ki which is hidden by other fighters.

Flight- The ability of a fighter to fly using his ki energy. When facing an opponent without this ability users with the ability of flight gain a 1/3 bonus to their own speed.