2 Years On - Goodnight Seattle

Goodnight Seattle - the Unofficial Frasier Page
Goodnight Seattle - the Unofficial Frasier PageGoodnight Seattle - the Unofficial Frasier PageGoodnight Seattle - the Unofficial Frasier Page
Goodnight Seattle - the Unofficial Frasier Page

Goodnight Seattle - 2 Years On

Well, Goodnight Seattle is now 2 years old, and in the past year there have been a good number of changes.

The biggest one was when I moved the site from Tripod to GeoCities. This was because Tripod had relaunched and could only let you upload one file at a time, and it was very slow. I switched to GeoCities, and guess what - Tripod are fast again and let you upload 8 files at once again. Typical. :-)

The Episode Guide was completed on December 31st 2001. I had sworn to myself that I would get all the seasons done (except what was then the current season, Season 9) by the end of the year and I uploaded the Season 6 guides that day! An addition to the episode guide was the Cut Scenes section, which compares the scripts of the final draft of some episodes with the script that was aired. The differences are often amazing!

The episode guides for Seasons 8 and 9, as well as a few others from earlier seasons, are now in the new style page. Gradually, each page of the site will have a new look. Some will just have the new style "menu" such as the one at the bottom of this page, some will have a complete new look.

The characters have been converted to the new look, with new information added as well, and I gave Noel Shempsky his own page rather than him being on the Other Characters page (which itself has had additions such as Lana Lynley, Kirby Gardner and Roz's boyfriend Roger). Patrick Kerr, who plays him, also got his own page.

The Fan Fiction has grown a lot since last year, with a few series stories (multi-part) on the site by myself and various authors. The Lists and References section has been constantly updated, and the feedback page is full of your good comments.

In January I launched the Message Board. It currently has 31 members and is the place to talk about anything Frasier! Around that time I also changed my e-mail address. Freeservers, the company hosting the site, took away my e-mail address with them as you had to pay to use it. Not wanting to pay, I started using my own personal e-mail address so now I have one address for everything! People e-mailing me at gjthomas84@hotmail.com now have to put GNS in the subject bar so it gets to the right folder, but some people still forget! I've also added an Archive page where I place all my previous updates.

In May, Goodnight Seattle had it's 10,000th visitor, and very soon we'll have our 20,000th visitor! In only 5 months the number of hits has doubled, partly due to Goodnight Seattle finally being added to Yahoo!

On 9/11, one year after the tragedies in New York and Washington, I put up a "Never Forget" page, and a banner is still there on the main page.

This time next year, on Goodnight Seattle's 3rd birthday, the final season of Frasier will be showing, but don't worry, this site will be around for a long time yet.

Legal Stuff:

Frasier created by David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee. Based on the character "Frasier Crane" created by Glen and Les Charles and featured in the NBC / Paramount production "Cheers". Frasier is a Grub Street Production for NBC and Paramount. All Frasier characters are copyright NBC, Paramount and Grub Street Productions.

Goodnight Seattle created and maintained by Gareth Thomas. Any comments? Contact me and let me know. I'm listening.

This site is totally unofficial.