Name: Amanda
Nicknames: Goose, BABS
Age: 16 (Born March 7th)
Discription: Brown hair w/ blond highlights, blue eyes
Fave Movies
:  Newsies, The Sandlot, Bio-Dome, Sgt. Bilko
Fave Newsie: Racetrack
Fave Newsie Songs:
Once and For All/
The World Will Know
Fave Quote: "Member dat hot tip I told ya about? Nobody told da horse!"
How I got interested in the Newsies:
I saw it for the first time ago when I was 9 and I haven't seen it untill 6 years later, after we got satelite and it was on HBO. Since then I fell in love with it all over again but this time I became obsessed! I watch the movie at least once a day and I got my friends into it to. All my friends like the movie too but not as much as I do. I decided to make a webpage dedicated to the Newsies, and this is where I am today!
Other Interests:
My fave sport is baseball but i only watch it i don't play it.  My fave team are the Oakland A's. This is because my family are Red Sox fans and one night they were playing against Oakland and to get on their nerves I decided to go against them and my team just happened to win and ever since then they've been my favorite. Another interest I have is dance I've been dancing for over 10 years now. I take tap, ballet, jazz, modern, lyrical, and pointe. The summer of 2003 we went to nationals in Las Vegas.  We got 10th and 4th over all for all groups 13+ in the competion.  And we also got 4th over all the whole competition, so that would make us the 4th best in the whole nation.


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