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Individual Participant Pages
Each participant should have a short page giving some information about himself or herself (a picture would be nice) and should describe what that individual did for the project. Links to these pages should be on the main Index or Introduction Page.

I am Gordon W. Watts, the only participant in the group titled "110%," whose group title is similar to the title of the group project: "~- 110% - Hypolactasia -~." In other words, I did all the work becasue no one wanted to participate in the project after my email to the class asking if anybody wanted to join. The teacher permitted single-person groups: "If it is an absolute hardship for you to work with someone, you can do the project by yourself." See "Other" page for details.

Gordon's Spring 2001 Schedule

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: Study time ~and~ *Sleep* a whole bunch!

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
8:00am Biochem 1 (4053) 8:50am Break 11:15am Biochem 2 (4054) 12:05pm Eat/Sleep/Study

Friday sundown to Saturday sunset: My day off - rest and recreation! (The Sabbath)

Oh, also, as the sole group with just one member, I carry the burden of the entire project, thus I would hope you "give 110%" when grading me - and hope that you would keep in mind, as some know, I am taking Biochem II concurrently with Biochem I - without its prerequisite becasue a prospective employer sprung a surprise on me after I had enrolled for my last semester before graduation! (FDLE's forensics and DNA crime lab requires Biochem 1 but not 2. However, I felt it was logical to "complete the circuit" in my last clear chance, since I have formally graduated with a double major B.S. degree in Biological Science and Chemical Science - and that with the "honors" of being a member of the Golden Key National Honor Society, whose webpage is at: http://www.freenet.tlh.fl.us/~gkfsu.)

I was born on Monday, 16 May 1966, a long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away. Although I went to Hillsborough Community College in for three consecutive semester starting in the summer of 1984 (right after I graduated in 1984), I dropped out of college becasue I had no vision of why to go to college - and becasue my merit scholarship terminated due to my GPA dropping below a 3.0. I later got a two-year vocational degree in Electronics Technology from the United Electronics Institute of Tampa, Florida, and somehow achieved valedvictorian and a 4.0, in a three-way tie with the guy who commuted with me and one other student. I liked electronics and gizmos, but this was only a two-year degree and it didn't go far.

Later, I realized that genetics influinced personality, blood-type, and physical appearance (see other sections of my web site for details). Thus, I realized that these three factors, in turn, influinced a great deal in life, including compatibility in romance. Thus, since I felt that romance was the second most important thing in the worlds (can you name the most important thing?...your Creator?...), then I embarked on an academic journey that got me here. I must give credit to an unusual dream from a more unusual girl who spoke of marriage to be the catalyst to my desire for research on this topic. The dream was not directly related to my project, so it does not get cited on my Bibliography page.

x Gordon Wayne Watts

Gordon W. Watts

Single Check: \*

This page on my website is tentatively finished but NOT double-checked. -GW


Below are links to word documents I am using for sources. CAREFUL: One is BIG, at about 560 kilobytes in size!
| hypolactasia.doc |